Example sentences of "[that] [pron] would have been " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You might think that I would have been happy to go on improving my golf handicap , ’ he said .
2 ‘ Cup rugby would also have appealed to me , but I 'm not so sure that I would have been so enthusiastic about playing in a league , ’ Cranmer says .
3 Had I been born in the Middle Ages , I knew that I would have been one of those retainers who stayed inside the castle and embroidered whilst the knights went off to slaughter the French .
4 Also aware that I was happier with the evasion that I would have been with a wrong answer …
5 If I 'd known that I would have been given a long lecture at the end of the day , well … ’
6 At the end of the test I have to say that I would have been reasonably happy to work with any of the monitors on a long term basis .
7 ‘ Not that I would have been able to do much anyway , that thing 's a death trap !
8 I was met by a very respectful group of Gordon Highlanders when I visted Aberdeen recently , when I said that I would have been on the line as well had I been in their position .
9 No , I would have done it exactly the same , I would have just hoped that I would have been as lucky as I have been .
10 lost that I 'd have been in a pickle .
11 Another , after describing her loveless relationship with an unsatisfactory husband , is amazed at Jim Dixon 's remark that she would have been better off if she had n't married .
12 But she thought that she would have been glad of someone to talk about her new plans with , all the same .
13 Even at this early stage of contact between white and black in Britain , it is clear that she would have been building on already existing racial caricature and prejudice rather than creating an artificial tide of hostility against black people .
14 She was so devoted to the principle that beauty is a frivolity and a sign of sin that she would have been ashamed to have it in the house .
15 Had she arrived in the department within some five minutes of her cardiac arrest , it is much more likely that she would have been resuscitated …
16 He identified several actors caught by the camera in poses of dramatic intensity and had judged from the frown between her heavy brows and the unsuitability of her responses that she would have been more enlightened had she worn spectacles .
17 He felt her breathing change again , anticipating pleasure ; knew , without looking , that she would have been newly aroused by his ministrations ; that her nipples would be stiff , her eyes wide with expectation .
18 Sometimes she had the oddest feeling that she would have been able to confide in Paul , to pour out to him the whole bloody silly story without causing him to bat so much as an eyelid .
19 I accept from Mr that she would have been a trainee manager for some part of that time and I assess her salary as being something like seven thousand pounds net .
20 Had she been expecting any apology , though , Fabia realised then that she would have been disappointed for , ‘ Hrm , ’ was all he grunted , and , handing the letter back , he scrutinised her with a hard look , and Fabia had the feeling that he thought that she was the one in the wrong !
21 To herself she had to admit that she would have been willing to go further than talk .
22 ( Did the romanticists among you imagine that you would have been a member of the gentry if you were alive in this England of 1700 ? )
23 You might also be consistently failing to hear other sounds that you would have been able to hear ( and produce too ) had you approached the problem methodically by means of the workchart .
24 A jolly little incident in Kwiksave that you would have been amused at dear .
25 Con always knew where to stop , and he knew where you should stop as well , and if you did n't , he reminded you that you 'd have been better following his example . ’
26 This point helps to explain why there do not appear to have been many actual dismissals for pilferage ( we assume that we would have been told if there had been an abnormally high incidence of these ) , but we would still have expected there to be some if pilferage has been common , particularly since store security is not under Fred 's control .
27 Eh , , I mean there 's a idea the money that 's been spent on the railways instead of on motorways we 'd be a lot better off , and I think and Partners subscribed to that because I think that erm , had more money being spent on the railways that we would have been much better off , oh I 'd much rather go on a train journey than on a motor bridge journey .
28 However , though , there were many areas that we would have been happy to listen to proposals about .
29 I can say , however , that there would have been a considerable loss of blood , judging by the position of the wound . ’
30 And it is likely that there would have been thousands more if more people had known exactly how to raise a complaint with him .
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