Example sentences of "[that] [pron] be [n mass] in " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the strongest is that there are species in which some females reproduce sexually , and others by parthenogenesis : if there was not a short-term advantage to sex , the parthenogenetic females would long ago have replaced the sexual ones .
2 It is also known that there are people in mental handicap hospitals who are not and have never been mentally handicapped .
3 Jane , of Bradford , said : ‘ I visit the graves often and the thought came to me that there are people in desperate situations needing help . ’
4 Secondly , that there are people in all areas of life who would like to do something .
5 Now there have been some allegations flying around that there are people in the parliamentary Labour Party who want to get rid of that link and I want to categorically say that there is no serious figure in the Labour Party who shares that opinion there 's no one in the G M B group who takes that view there 's no one in the Shadow Cabinet and what is more , I know from my own personal experience , and my dealings with him over thirty years , that there is no greater supporter of the trades union link than John Smith himself !
6 Not only clever , but extraordinarily attractive to women — and wealthy , of course , and it 's a sad fact of life that there are people in this world who only see money , only see advantage — and you would n't believe the number of begging letters he receives .
7 ‘ It has been a phenomenal response and shows that there are people in need of these jobs . ’
8 While I expect that there are people in Fife and Lothian who are in favour of a new bridge , I have yet to meet them .
9 They say that there are fish in baskets , and behind the longhouse a field of stubble .
10 He had not realised that there were people in the area , i.e. he gave no thought to the risk .
11 A Jacobite agent writing towards the end of Queen Anne 's reign thought that there were people in England who " wish the King [ i.e. " James III " ] well , who would not hazard their estates for him " .
12 Certainly not as bright as here , er sufficient light for me to be able to see that there were people in there and to differentiate between a man and a woman but er at that time not enough to be able to clearly define anybody .
13 Empty , it had a lingering ambience of warmth , and as she went inside it was even more noticeable now that there were people in it .
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