Example sentences of "[that] [pron] be [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But — do n't you realise that nothing is any good unless it is shared ? ’
2 One more time my skin warms against his and reminds me that I am this person , not generic , wife of nothing .
3 ‘ Your tone would seem to imply that I am some sort of Bluebeard who keeps her incarcerated .
4 According to the last good book I read , this means that I am half way through my time travel , my travel through time .
5 Erm , that sounds very persuasive to all of us nowadays and I fully believe it , that part of what makes me me is in fact er the fact that I 'm this shape and this size
6 Secondly Chairman I would like to draw the Councillors ' attention to the fact that I 'm this years representative on the South East Waste Regulation Advisory Committee and we have indeed got in hand a project which is to look at the whole of the recycling and the priorities for the South East region and I would imagine that by the time our officers have reported back to this Authority that they will have an advantage of having access to that report .
7 Why would you suppose that I 'm some kind of insomniac ? ’
8 You 've got this superior idea that I 'm some sort of half-wit from the back of beyond who has n't the vaguest notion of what happens in the big , bad world .
9 You see , if you like me then you 'll think that I 'm some sort of brain surgeon , and if you hate me then you 'll think I 'm shit … the truth is in the middle .
10 As he said to us 42 years later , ‘ I was interested in some kind of sense , that I descended from Aaron , that I was some kind of high priest .
11 This afternoon — I arrived in Salisbury at around three thirty — when I entered my address in her register as ‘ Darlington Hall ’ , I could see her look at me with some trepidation , assuming no doubt that I was some gentleman used to such places as the Ritz or the Dorchester and that I would storm out of her guest house on being shown my room .
12 Mind you , he was also daunted by the fact that I was some years his senior .
13 ‘ How I wish that I were that dog ! ’
14 Now the other reason why of course you wo n't perhaps erm drive naturally is because of this little bit of tension at the fact that who 's this person sitting here looking at what I 'm doing ? and it it 's putting me off .
15 Mr Blair-Gould said : ‘ The prosecution clearly suggest … that she is some kind of dreadful rebel on a crusade against censorship . ’
16 Franca , wondering who she was , had decided that she was some sort of secretary or servant of Marcus , like the conjuror 's assistant .
17 Even Nelson 's invitation was being misconstrued as more evidence that she was some sort of siren who enjoyed luring men with her seductive powers .
18 college is adult education , and the fact that you 're all adults the relationship between you and the lecturers is not the same between you and teachers .
19 okay , pretend that you 're that building and I want you to describe yourself and and I want the rest of the class to see if they can guess what it is and how long they take it they take to guess okay , and if you think you know what that person is , put your hand up do n't do n't shout out .
20 Once you uncover the cause , the theory goes that you are half way to solving the particular problem that concerns you .
21 Did you not find that er the work them became very sort of com compartmentalized if you like , very specific people were doing bits of jobs rather than a feeling that you were all part of a much larger thing ?
22 Oh I had about a shilling pocket money I think , although they used , they 'd fine you , they 'd stop money off you if you were late if you were a quarter of an hour late you could n't go in and erm until , and then you 'd got to explain to your mums , well that you were some money short you see , why is this , and we had to say well we were a bit late getting in when you started out soon enough you see .
23 Er furthermore er so the number upon whom we can draw is , is really minimal , and we do depend heavily on the help of the professional theologians , though we 're all theologians you know I , I subscribe to the idea that we 're all theologians , I wo n't listen to these people who say I 'm no theologian .
24 And there 's been this moral downfall that we 're all part of .
25 have to do all of them , anybody 'll think that we 're all Belgians .
26 That we 're all fools ? ’
27 In fourteen years the Northern Region alone has lost over two hundred thousand manufacturing jobs and when a fella visiting us today says that we 're all workers , I remember telling me that , that we di might eat all out the same trough , but by the hell they have bigger spoons than we have .
28 Well you were just talking about children erm my feeling is that we 're all children , there is no division between being a child and an adult and I think that they can accept a whole lot , but there 's a whole lot of adults that ca n't accept the shocks that are happening today and they put them into their subconscious and unfortunately it comes out in so many other ways — it comes over as a neurosis or as a mental disorder at some later date .
29 A little while ago children were expected to be down in the mines and underneath textile machinery , so they were n't actually treated as children , they were erm wager earners at a very low age , as soon as they could be walking they were doing a job , so I feel that we 're all children in fact , there is no great division between being a child and being an adult , and we in fact ca n't always cope with what 's happening and the shocks infect .
30 Hostility — " I suppose you think that we 're all alcoholics or addicts of some kind and that we all ought to give up everything we enjoy " .
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