Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Note , too , that nothing is said within such analyses about forms of middle-class racism — the discussion pivots around a simple polarization between a ‘ ruling ’ and ‘ working ’ class .
2 Reliance is placed upon the statutory duty of the Independent Broadcasting Authority to ensure that nothing is transmitted on the commercial airwaves which is in bad taste or is likely to prove offensive to public feeling .
3 You get the feeling that nothing is left to chance .
4 Mr George Ryde , TGWU national secretary for civil aviation , said : ‘ Our members are involved in almost every aspect of airport work , and they tell a different story to the public relations myth that nothing is spared in providing passengers with maximum security .
5 In this atmosphere , it was understandable that commercial television should be placed under the close scrutiny of a licensing body , empowered by what is now s4(1) of the Broadcasting Act 1981 to ensure : ( a ) that nothing is included in the programmes which offends against good taste or decency or is likely to encourage or incite to crime or to lead to disorder or to be offensive to public feeling … ( b ) that due impartiality is preserved on the part of persons providing the programmes as respects matters of political or industrial controversy or relating to current public policy .
6 Either the magistrate refuses bail and says , effectively , that the court orders that the weekly equivalent of £20,000 a year is spent on the offender until his case is heard , or the court grants bail and orders that nothing is spent on the offender until the case is heard .
7 Seeing that nothing 's drowned in the pool recently . ’
8 The fact is that nothing was done about the matter , and the goats were released from farm isolation by the ministry with subsequent disastrous results for me and for others .
9 He had a poor opinion of the utility of book-learning to the Masai , and it was no doubt in part due to his influence that nothing was done in Tanganyika to bring education to them till the 1930s , whereas the first government school was opened in Kenya Masailand in 1921 .
10 Kalm noted that the spent tan was afterwards spread in the garden as manure and that nothing was laid On pots in the summer , compared with Moscow where he had seen sawdust used to keep them moist .
11 The answer is not difficult , if we remember that each meeting of the Assembly was different in composition from all others ; personal oratory and ascendancy , not party organization , decided the issues , and that is why the absence of Kimon mattered so much : he would have given his usual speech on the ‘ special relationship ’ with Sparta , urging that nothing be done to the Athenian constitution to which oligarchic Sparta would take mortal offence .
12 It is not necessary that Traditions and Ceremonies be in all places one , and utterly like ; for at all times they have been divers , and may be changed according to the diversities of countries , times , and men 's manners , so that nothing be ordained against God 's Word .
13 I just thought that them being owned by Simon Cawthorne would … ’
14 If your wedding guests are not seated in a reception hall but milling around a hotel or house your problem is to ensure that everyone is gathered in the right place at the right time to hear the speeches .
15 One consequence of this immobility is that everyone is surrounded by people very like himself , most of whom he has always known .
16 As long ago as 1911 Edmund Holmes wrote of schools that were ‘ ridden by the examination incubus ’ , arguing that everyone was cheated by a system whose merit-order and pass-lists were nothing but ‘ outward signs ’ .
17 Er , once they were able to leave the home and so that everyone was looked after , they never left our care really and
18 Ho ho Keith , some wags at the NME have taken to calling MAW ‘ musicians against success ’ because — get this — those musicians who 've had the guts to stand up and be counted like Sinead O'Connor , The Farm , Carter USM , Cud , Billy Bragg , Lisa Stansfield , The Stones , Lush , Orbital and Soho are all ‘ failures that no-one 's heard of ’ .
19 Make sure that yours are fitted with all possible locks and are constructed of unbreakable glass .
20 I dream that I am visited by a poet called T. S. Eliot .
21 The conference was helpful in aiding my understanding of the great mass of information that I am faced with in my volunteer role .
22 Now I find myself alone — that is irrelevant in terms of what happens to me , but for the idea that the Lord was homosexual , and for the perverted practices on his dead body not to be seen to be blasphemous if the case is lost — about that I am lost for words !
23 It would not be whimsical to suggest that I still go to Arsenal now because of what Swindon did to me then : like a gambler who keeps playing because it is the only way to win back what he has lost , I still feel , somewhere in me , that I am owed for what Ian Ure and Jon Sammels and Bobby Gould put me through that afternoon .
24 Otherwise , ‘ how great soever the assurance is , that I am possessed with , it is groundless ; whatever light I pretend to , it is but enthusiasm . ’
25 But then with an ever deepening sinking feeling inside I realise that I am bound for failure once again .
26 I place my chair to the left of the swim so that I am hidden behind the wall of rushes and have a good viewpoint of both rods .
27 Suppose that I am committed to an ideal of conserving areas of natural beauty or variegated wild life in my country .
28 Suppose that I am supplied with a sequence of electrons which have been prepared in such a way that they are all in the same state of motion .
29 What she wo n't want to hear is that I am cured of the madness which kept me from sleeping at night and the imagination which played havoc with my peace of mind during the day .
30 ‘ As cage birds they are as interesting as can possibly be imagined ; for , independently of their highly ornamental appearance , they differ from all the other members of their family that I am acquainted with , in having a most animated and pleasing song ; besides which , they are constantly billing , cooing , and feeding each other , and assuming every possible variety of graceful position .
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