Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [modal v] have a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are very keen that everyone will have a clear idea of what is involved . ’
2 ‘ It did n't occur to you that I might have a lot on my mind ?
3 I honestly think meself , that I might have a have a couple of hard months , maybe three , first three months might be a bit difficult for me .
4 I thought that I would have a go at getting a pilot 's course , which I did — and was soon sharply put in my place .
5 I can see that I may have a little difficulty explaining this first part of my story , especially to anyone not acquainted with the often bizarre rituals of academic life .
6 Herbert 's daily life at Bemerton can be envisaged from his book The Country Parson ( later published as The Priest to the Temple ) , which he wrote , as he explained , ‘ that I may have a mark to aim at ’ .
7 Well one of the obvious pluses is that I 'll have a chance to do what I want to do when I want to do it .
8 And I have to sort it out , sit there , sort it out and then work out how much it 's gon na come to , and then I know then when I go to the shop I know what to get , and I know when it goes in the cupboard I know that I 'll have a meal for every day of the week .
9 oh , give me that I 'll have a bit of it thank you
10 Aye have a look , while you 're doing that I 'll have a look at what bits and pieces see if I talk to you for a minute about these
11 ‘ She 's having a short stay in hospital at the moment so that I can have a holiday .
12 It 's about 1½ ″ below my shoulders and I am trying to grow it so that I can have a style that 's cut straight across the bottom .
13 And they told me that I can have a job back there any time I want . ’
14 yes , well is there any more you want to say on that , is er , er , er , subject to Mr as you say of course , erm I just simply wanted to know erm so that I can have a , a , a look , erm at what on one view , erm might be the , the case , it might clear be the conclusion that you er incorrect in or partially incorrect or I was unable to answer all the questions er at this stage
15 I thought no more of it , and stared vacantly into space , wishing that the weather would improve so that I could have a better look at the scenery .
16 I used to gaze at it and wish that I could have a dog just like the one in the picture .
17 The print , called ‘ Suspense ’ , hung over my parents ' bed and from a very early age I wished that I could have a dog like that — have a look at the picture of my Nip on page 110 .
18 I loved the fact that I could have a four , five , six piece group that was capable of making this huge wall of sound in addition to what we did as just a jazz quartet . ’
19 My first big chance to put money in the bank came in 1986 when Middlesex awarded me a benefit , which was meant to make sure that I could have a start in the world outside cricket once I retired .
20 She asked me to a cocktail-party to which I did n't want to go , so I said I had a cold which was n't true at the time but knowing my chest I guessed that I should have a bronchial cough at any moment and so I did .
21 A contract engineer called to my machine at work said that I should have a least eight inches of space all around it to prevent it from overheating or , if that did not solve the problem , it would need a new hard disk .
22 LADY DAVERS : Did I not tell you , Jackey , that I should have a wit to talk to ?
23 If I come to you at three months with a P T A tumour , that 's grade one or two , how long would you be er willing to accept that I should have a recurrence before you treat it ?
24 ‘ People had said to me that I 'd have a lot of spare time on the film set — oh sure !
25 For the basic beliefs stand in inferential relationship with more interesting beliefs about public objects , and these beliefs are certainly dubitable ; there is always a possibility that someone should have a reason to doubt them .
26 During her romance she had regularly raided her friends ' wardrobes so that she would have a presentable outfit to go out in .
27 She might well say that she would have a different sense of herself as well had she grown up counting herself as made in God 's image .
28 And erm She was determined that she would have a go her own , the following week .
29 Loretta was grateful for Bridget 's assumption that she would have a part in whatever action they decided upon ; she was a more reliable friend than Tracey , she thought to herself .
30 After giving a blood sample , she was told that she would have a one-in-50,000 chance of saving a life .
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