Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [modal v] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 How is it possible that a black hole appears to emit particles when we know that nothing can escape from within its event horizon ?
2 A lot of walkers take this fact for granted , striding about in the sure and certain knowledge that nothing will drop from a tree and start to devour their head .
3 In fact , during my first few months , I have not been able to identify any major differences between the procedures that the Institute has set up in response to the Companies Act and those that I would expect from an ‘ external ’ regulator .
4 There was also the chance that I would recover from the madness . ’
5 I gave them their full due , repeating all that my sister-in-law had said , and told them that I would hear from my brother himself that evening , then paid for my groceries and made my escape .
6 The title is imitated from the delightful Ivy and Stevie ( about Ivy Compton-Burnett and Stevie Smith by Kay Dick , though my materials are very different from hers and therefore the pattern that I shall construct from them must also be very different .
7 The only good news and the only real cheer that I can take from today 's events is that this is the last occasion on which such an announcement will be made by this Secretary of State or by a Conservative Government .
8 I contacted their next-of-kin and I undertook to pass on any scraps of information , or even rumour , that I could glean from every possible source .
9 ‘ I wanted a really good box that I could work from , or that someone could work for me — which is what happens nine times out of ten — and then run direct into the amplifier without losing any gain , without gaining any hum and without losing any of the real naturalness of the Fender Strat and the Vox amp . ’
10 Being a parent ai n't easy ( not that I 'd know from experience ) , and baby-sitting for other people is even worse ( I know that from experience ) .
11 " I feel that cutting out dairy products has eased the feelings of irritability that I used to suffer from .
12 Pamela agreed that she would benefit from having new friends and said she would find out about youth clubs that existed in her area .
13 ‘ Will you be all right ? ’ asked Rachel dubiously , worried that Belinda might try to climb from the horse when the carousel was in motion , or , even worse , that she might slip from its back .
14 ‘ My friend gave her name , which is Smith , and he — your uncle — assumed that she 'd come from ‘ my lord — Mr Smith , ’ so … ’
15 It was inconceivable that she could take from Mrs Barnet anything that was rightly hers , nor did Ruth flatter herself that Joss Barnet 's interest in her was anything but transient .
16 There was quite a wide space between stone and stone , but Jenny felt sure that she could jump from one to the other quite easily .
17 well — he was solid — but no real — saves — . just the stuff that you would expect from — any — keeper playing in the premiership .
18 If you do decide that you would gain from having a proper appraisal system then start with a simple approach and stick closely to it .
19 ‘ A discreet establishment that you may visit from time to time ? ’
20 I have also sent you a catalogue of Greenpeace merchandise so that you may choose from it , and may I draw special attention to the Greenpeace enamel dove badge which we would particularly like you , as a new supporter , to purchase and wear .
21 In the event my Lord , erm , that er your Lordship felt that further guidance was required , there are the two routes that I 've indicated to your Lordship briefly yesterday , there is the route of er seeking some information , if your Lordship felt it 'd be of assistance to you in resolving any doubts that you may have from the and your Lordship has seen yesterday the notice on co-operation which is in and at page eleven thirty two and is also the exhibit
22 that you 'll receive from the various functions .
23 Okay well erm I hope that you 'll remember from last week er what we er our discussion centred around the general way in which carriers and channels worked .
24 If you feel that you might benefit from using the Counselling Service you can make arrangements to see a counsellor by telephoning , writing to , or calling at the campus office .
25 Chabrier 's music for this miniature operetta is a pastiche of 18th century style , but filled with all the charm that you might expect from him .
26 I E you 're not really looking at a feudal economy in the south any more i it may be a much more heavily commercial capitalist economy and therefore the kind of land reform programme that you might incorporate from a feudal north might not be entirely relevant .
27 ‘ In all truth , I ca n't see that you 'd steal from me , ’ he muttered cautiously , smiling deeper when the other man visibly relaxed .
28 What difference did it make to your work that you 'd come from outside the television industry ?
29 I mean , just a few odds and ends that you could do from your nice
30 If you find yourself panting after climbing the stairs , or stiff after unaccustomed physical work , such as gardening , it 's nature 's way of telling you that you could benefit from extra exercise .
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