Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [verb] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Just to make sure that nothing stops you from having the best , we 've arranged some excellent flexible finance schemes .
2 You were standing by the boat , demanding that I let you on board , and I felt such a raw , aching need lance through me that it shocked me .
3 You ken when there , there are , this , this old Mary that I tell you about er , she 'd had smallpox when she was young , she used to be a herring gutter .
4 I think it was Angie and Tony , going back to that incredible support that I told you about when I first met them , that they were also dreamers and had such faith and believed in David 's future and his destiny .
5 You see and that al old aunt that I told you about she always referred this road through as the new road .
6 Moving her just a fraction away , his eyes once more holding hers captive , he added , ‘ So is n't it fortunate that I know you for the cheat you are ? ’
7 ‘ And is n't it fortunate that I know you for a blind fool ? ’
8 ‘ Good afternoon , ladies and gentlemen , it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the magic of television … ‘
9 I told her that I had you at work then yesterday , right , she says oh no another one , right , and ended up
10 ‘ You see that I had you in my mind ! ’
11 ‘ Will it help you if I tell you first that I love you , ’ he whispered , ‘ that I adore you with all my heart ? ’
12 Do n't worry if you ca n't do it if you ca n't any of these any of these exercises that I give you by the way it 's not like homework it 's just for you to play with them to get the do them at your own pace .
13 ‘ I 'm sorry that I accused you of taking them . ’
14 I have made no secret of the fact that I consider you to be a boy with potential , a boy I might introduce to some of the wonderful things of this world .
15 ‘ May I also put it on record that I love you for your mind ? ’ said Leo earnestly .
16 There seems no point in saying that I love you in spite of everything because that only seems to irritate you for reasons best known to yourself and which you choose neither to explain nor comment on .
17 Not that I expect you to be so baby-besotted as the people round here — with good cause , of course , as Ewan has to be a paragon !
18 You 're not forgetting that I called you before that time myself , and you told me Bonanza had taken the girl away somewhere ? ’
19 Miguelito said , ‘ You wish that I accompany you to your villa ? ’
20 Not that I wanted you to be my lover .
21 ‘ Now that I have you at last you 'll never be away from me again . ’
22 In the third place , you may recall that I escorted you to your room at half-past twelve ; but the college gates are locked at midnight , from which it follows that I would have had to rouse the duty porter in order both to be let out and to be let in again , something he will most certainly confirm I did not do .
23 I 'd just like to add that included in the numbers that I gave you for Camco were not just redundancy costs , but costs of closures of sales offices , distribution networks and some other special one-time charges , so it 's not pure redundancy when you look at the numbers that I gave you earlier on .
24 Erm , I I really do n't want to add anything else , other than the summary , erm , that I gave you on Appendix One , Chairman , but if you move over to Appendix Two for a start , erm , this first of all , relates only to our A T T in and we hope in future to improve this sort of information in the other employee groups .
25 And we saw that in the calculation that I gave you at the end of last week 's lecture .
26 Because there were , there were easily three lists of influence on referrals that you need to be attuned to , that I gave you in that one erm praise , give a bit of praise to my wife because all I 'm proud of crafty , I thought , you know , why did n't you say that was a beautiful brief .
27 However , they have asked that I provide you with the draft ( unaudited ) results for the year to 31st October , 19XX in order that you may , if you so wish , reconsider your offer .
28 But his tone left them in no doubt as to his feelings as he grunted , ‘ I suggested to your fiancée , ’ he uttered the noun with contempt , ‘ that she release you from this ridiculous arrangement .
29 Her with the withered paralyzed arm that she bashed you with because she could n't clear it and you blooming well could .
30 Joe said , ‘ If you 've been billed , then you 've also had a statement giving the number that she called you from . ’
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