Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [verb] [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Queen herself has insisted that I get involved in all aspects of the negotiations at all levels .
2 By half-term I weighed seven stone nine pounds , and I suspect it was only then that I became weight-conscious in the literal sense .
3 It was through her that I became interested in life .
4 Hence the excuse often heard from a student ‘ But I am sure that I learnt that in the school ! ’
5 That 's right , and I think that erm , yes , there 's a notion that I find useful in talking to students that we all have a comfort zone , there are all things that we know about , that we know how to do and if anything comes up — I mean in business it might be accountancy , we do n't all know how to handle figures , and so that 's an area that we 've hived off in that area and we all know that when we do that we are , as it were , giving up a bit ; we 're saying ‘ well , I ca n't manage I just do n't have I ca n't do that , it 's not for me ’ .
6 Butterflies possess idiosyncrasies that I find curious in creatures with the minimum of brain-cells .
7 It 's the vanity , the ego of the attachment to that experience that I find depressing in so many people .
8 If they did , the resources required would " clearly be beyond all that I have available in this theatre " .
9 Once Ann had been helped to understand that she felt insecure in her relationship with Charles as a result of earlier experiences , she and Charles were then able to commit themselves to a contractual approach to problem-solving .
10 He wanted to blurt out that she looked beautiful in blue , that he 'd like to kill the man who 'd been in her flat the previous evening , that he hoped her date with him had been a miserable failure , that he had hardly slept a wink all night , beside himself with jealousy .
11 She was wearing her afternoon uniform and Matey thought that she looked charming in it ; it was not surprising , after all , that Dr Neil had a soft spot for her .
12 It was like a slap in the face , the insult so unexpected , and the revelation of what he had really thought of her all along was so hurtful , so callous that she went rigid in his arms , white with stiff dignity , eyes brilliant with pain .
13 Yeah , and cos we had , we had the bathroom that was originally there , that they knocked through to build all this extension , was converted into a shower room , and she did n't think that the sink was right in that , and the disabled bathroom had at least two or three pieces that she thought bolshie in that as well ,
14 Dignity decreed that she stay silent in the face of such provocation , but the adrenalin was dancing in her nervous system , demanding action .
15 This means that she falls asleep in the car on the way to the airport and can not be woken except by a party of electricians returning from Corfu , who put her in a baggage trolley and push her the length of the terminal building at speeds of up to fifteen miles per hour .
16 She shook herself inwardly , said severely , Control yourself , Sally-Anne Tunstall ; remember what happened when you had such soft thoughts about a man before , and the sudden dreadful memory this evoked hit her so hard that she stopped dead in her tracks , gave a stifled wail , and went so white that Dr Neil , hearing her , and looking at her , saw that her pallor was so extreme that he thought her on the verge of fainting .
17 So intense was her relief at seeing him come that she stood stock-still in the doorway .
18 What about erm how was it that you became involved in erm was it Having looked round the shop erm is it you specialize in is erm fish
19 So the men always made sure the apprentices went and er it was just a matter over the years going to the meetings that you get interested in the business of the trade unions .
20 Try to select material which uses pictures to tell at least some of the story and then make sure that you exploit this in your use of it in the language class .
21 Each new word or phrase across should be something that you consider important in building good relationships with others .
22 For example , to write that you feel joyful in the room is a kind of vague shorthand .
23 The more care you have taken in your application , gathering background information , knowing what questions you want to ask , preparing yourself to counter any awkward questions , ensuring that you are suitably dressed and that you arrive unflustered in good time for your appointment , the less reason you will have to be nervous and the more confident you will feel .
24 Independent lesbian and gay self-organization remains central to any wider project that we become involved in .
25 Their lease runs out at the end of , I think it 's April , and we are going to receive an approach from Devon County Council , that we become involved in any extension of that as a council , and that perhaps we offer them rather more in the way of guidance , which I think , is their main need .
26 And here was Conservatism , with a do-nothing prime minister in Mr Baldwin , with an out-of-date commitment to maintaining the British Empire in a world where it had ceased to be possible or right to maintain it , so that we spent millions in building a fortress at Singapore while we spent nothing more on housing or education .
27 Editor , — J K Aronson and M Hardman do not do justice to the range of antimiocrobial drugs for which monitoring of serum concentrations is necessary , and Aronson and D J M Reynolds include several statements that we find unacceptable in their review of monitoring of aminoglycoside antibiotics .
28 This is only a few of the Swan Yachts that we have available in Germany .
29 All of us , no matter how irresolute we are , like to think that we reign supreme in our own consciousness , that we are masters of what our minds accept or reject …
30 She emphasised that everything becomes collectable in time , particularly when its history and date of manufacture can be authenticated .
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