Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [noun] often [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is no doubt that my masters often lent me dignity and subtlety altogether beyond my needs .
2 The damage to the integrity of the US banking system caused by the feckless management of the savings and loans system — which before US financial deregulation did much the same job as our own building societies — has been so extensive that its impact often goes unstated .
3 Miss Collier told Judge Bray in Bloomsbury county court that her maid often ordered flowers on the telephone on her instructions , but that she had not done so on this occasion .
4 Although Laura 's formal education finished prematurely , she showed a remarkable capacity for intellectual growth in the middle years of her life : many of her ideas were changing so fast that her colleagues often found it difficult to keep pace .
5 It was easy for Draper and White to mock the church fathers for their naiveté on matters of natural philosophy , forgetting that they did have higher concerns — forgetting , too , that their naiveté often reflected the pagan wisdom of their day .
6 It is obvious that , not only is it necessary for students with disabilities to have reasonable transport , but that their transport often has to be specially adapted .
7 Most of the Andean stations have an abandoned air and see few trains , although those in the capital cities derive a certain faded grandeur from the fact that their buildings often incorporate the headquarters of the railway companies .
8 He believes there were many contributory factors to his sacking but the prevailing one was that his views often clashed with Gedge 's .
9 The fact that his figures often have a wooden tightness and that one of his major pictures represents a homosexual 's death may reflect the stasis and lack of vitality he felt within the contemporary art scene and within himself .
10 The performances are conducted by the Brazilian Roberto Duarte ; it sounds as if he knows his jungle , too , for his interpretations are full of life , pointed rhythms , striding basses ( Villa-lobos has in common with Havergal Brian that his textures often inhabit the bottom end of the orchestra , with free and easymoving bass lines ) .
11 As there were more cases of the husband killing his wife rather than vice versa , it is perhaps not surprising that his account often grabs the headlines and his wife 's account is muted .
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