Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [vb past] too [det] " in BNC.

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1 Katia starts to talk about the special projects which they are planning in Japan , and groans about management with no sense of fun — ‘ Who 's that guy we met , Marielle ? — the big pompous one , who complained that I sang too much ? ’
2 ‘ I think my trouble was that I had too much help and felt as if my boobs were all anyone was interested in .
3 As one of them said on being asked if she ever felt that she spent too much time on her own in the daytime :
4 ‘ I thought , ’ Robbie retorted breathlessly , ‘ that you despised too much haste .
5 One avenue for a claim is that you paid too much for the house , but remember that you say it is common knowledge that these houses suffer this fault .
6 So are America and the Soviet Union , to the extent that they wasted too much energy signing up local partners for the cold war instead of organising a local peace .
7 Each was aware , in fact , that they had too much to say , rather than too little .
8 They participated more fully in the intellectual and political life of their time — some argued that they participated too much — and reflected their society 's values , again , perhaps , too much if the criticisms of the ‘ social gospel ’ were accepted .
9 It is difficult not to believe that they attached too much importance to Law 's availability .
10 Both of the options put forward by the Democrats were rejected by Bush on the grounds that they involved too much structural reform and were contrary to the principles of the free market .
11 Another problem was that they bought too few , regardless of their origin .
12 The emperor attended the première , and seemed to approve , despite his observation that it had too many notes ( ‘ Just as many as are necessary , your majesty , ’ Mozart is said to have replied ) .
13 His major criticism of Murder in the Cathedral had been that it contained too much obvious " poetry " , and in the new play he wanted to create a more flexible and less ostensible verse line which could handle demotic or rarefied material equally well .
14 So , while in 1814 the prime criticism of the idea was that it expected too much of human nature , too much of the people who were to live in the communities and of those who were to put them there , while then it was in short a social criticism , by 1832 the idea had become an economic nonsense .
15 The trouble with the poll tax , as with comprehensive education , was that it took too little account of how we really are .
16 In the western provinces , where the newly established , populist , Reform Party had campaigned strongly against the agreement on the grounds that it made too many concessions to Quebec , the margins of rejection were the highest in the country .
17 Some of the criticism which its recommendations attracted was due to the perception that it concentrated too much on medical and nursing issues .
18 Unisys Corp and Honeywell Inc say they have settled the pending lawsuits over the sale of the Sperry Aerospace Group to Honeywell in December 1986 — Honeywell reckoned that it paid too much because Unisys held back material information ; Unisys will make a pre-tax payment to Honeywell of $43.2m over three years toward a $70m total settlement , with the remaining funding coming from insurance and an investment banking firm ; as a result of the settlement , Unisys will report a net extraordinary charge of $26.4m against its first quarter figures for the period to March 31 ; it says the charge will be offset by a larger than expected net gain from implementing the FASB 106 and FASB 109 accounting changes that it already announced it would make .
19 For once the Halifax was following others ; it admits that it paid too much at the wrong time .
20 Some teachers identified an increase in paperwork and one felt that he spent too much time trying to raise the money for new projects from sources outside school before the head took the request for funding seriously .
21 She recognised that her son had not always been as attentive as expected towards his wife or the children and that he spent too much time with friends like Camilla Parker-Bowles .
22 Soraya wrote in her memoirs that " the European type appealed to him most " , but that he had too much common sense to marry one of them .
23 What he was asking her to do required a degree of trust that he had too little time to earn .
24 It has been said that he gave too much of himself in his idealistic way , and that the ‘ political football ’ aspects of the CBC in eastern Canada , where he was finally transferred , caused a breakdown in health and his early retirement .
25 He thought the lectures far too many and that he gave too many lectures for his own good .
26 My father feared my mother as much as I did and wished me to please and agree with her always , for when I did not she would complain to him of my behaviour and I suspected that when this happened his new wife would complain in her turn that he paid too much attention to us and too little to her and her own children .
27 Hamdi Ali Abdel-Wahab al-Banbi , hitherto chairman of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation ( EGPC ) , took over as Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister from the long-serving Abdul Hadi Mohammed Qandil , whose dismissal had been widely predicted following criticism from foreign companies that he paid too little attention to exploration and production .
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