Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [am/are] being [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't like the fact that I am being pushed out in the cold .
2 It is not love when the concern is the fact that I am being inconvenienced , but it is when the concern is for the damage that is being done to my partner and our relationship .
3 I believe that I am being asked a question on my meeting yesterday with the UKIAS executive council , and I have no doubt that other hon. Members have tabled questions .
4 He took it up and read : ‘ Many readers will probably have learned by now that I am being sued by Miss Hilary Robarts , the Acting Administrative Officer at Larksoken Power Station , for alleged libel arising from what I wrote in the May issue of the news-sheet .
5 I was up there three days campaigning , objecting to this that I 'm being charged and believe me for those three days I stood right in Queen Street , just outside the offices there , and at no , any time during , at any particular time of day , you could have come along to me , and there were still one thousand five hundred people standing there , rain , hail , sleet or blow .
6 Well I 'm saying I still do n't know , the figures that I 'm being given suggest that by Friday , erm or by Monday , we 'll have sufficient to meet the orders of .
7 You see this is the thing that worries me because , you know , when I stand up and say I like what John Dreyfus did and I think his looks very good and I maintain the traditions of the Oxford University Press , I can suddenly feel that I 'm being typecast as being in the English tradition of typography as a revered art and the Morrisonian thing and the whole thing separate from , you know , a culture within a culture and a separate thing .
8 he 's going , so busy looking on what 's going on behind the question that 's being asked , that you never answer the question that you 're being asked in the first place .
9 ‘ What 's happening is that you 're being offered a way out . ’
10 The NHS reforms aim to provide an environment in which you feel welcome and where you can be confident that you are being cared for as an individual .
11 In particular , you may gain the impression that you are being victimised because of what you are , rather than because of who you are .
12 The point is that although book knowledge is in itself a good thing , it is useless and worse than useless if it deflects your attention from the question that you are being asked .
13 The impression given by the marketing campaign is that you are being invited to invest in a single entity — the British water industry — and that there will be attractive perks for those who do .
14 I see that you are being urged to take a long , unpaid holiday .
15 Let me now assume that you are being considered by a prospective principal and are seeing him for the first time .
16 But just remember that you are being judged even before you speak a word .
17 What must it be like to have a substantial body of work behind you and yet have the creeping sense that you are being remembered only as a bore in Under the Volcano , as the inventor of a word about Greene , and as the friend of Lowry , of Orwell , of Patrick Hamilton ( himself , something of a forgotten figure ) ?
18 Be aware that you are being interviewed
19 This creates a rather spooky atmosphere and because of the many camera angles gives the impression that you are being watched .
20 Do you have a feeling , for example , that you are being watched ? ’
21 And I think what we 're trying to do is to see that we 're being treated fairly just as we might listen to that person 's argument as well .
22 The point to Mr , the point of the reference back is simply to allow us to say that we do not accept the figures that we 're being presented with .
23 just trying to sort out this business of this the offices that we 're being let in the Strand Theatre that er people are moving in this week and they 've got no authority to move you see .
24 And it 's important that the kind of story that we 're being told this morning , or to continue to be told , we are to continually hear and observing
25 ‘ Do you ever have the feeling that we 're being watched ? ’
26 Fearful storms sometimes come along our way and we we wonder what is happening to us and we feel that we 're being thrown around and tossed about from side to side , there seems no way out !
27 I mean , schools the only thing I was , I 'd been governor of a a school for thirty years that was used to depress me with the fact that we could n't get for our schools the things that we needed because to me and to all the people in Harlow who have children are concerned that we are being stopped so much money on education which is the most vital thing in our children 's lives !
28 It really worries me that we are being exposed like this . ’
29 This may sound alarmist to some people , especially those in the chemical industry who have a large financial stake in the continuing use of their products , but there is worrying evidence that we are being made ill by the chemicals around us .
30 I guess that is a form of training as well , in that we are being made more aware of teaching issues and problems as they appear to the everyday teacher .
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