Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [am/are] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 But certainly prefer to see that pensions , that encompass all working people and from the time that we 're men to work until they retire and that something is arrange for the person 's when they 're senior citizens .
2 My claim has been that there are parallels to be observed between the theism of the Western religious traditions and that of the main Eastern religious tradition .
3 It is of course true that there are parallels to certain of these ideas in Greek and Roman philosophies , in Eastern religions , in the writings of mystics and in eighteenth-century sublime poetry , and well-read and inquiring students like Wordsworth and Coleridge could not have avoided hearing about them .
4 If standards are set in concrete , there is no way of teaching children that there are times to be flexible , when special circumstances demand it .
5 Common sense may tell us something different : that there are limits to growth ( or more accurately , perhaps , to real disposable income ) , imposed not so much by the depletion of fossil fuels and mineral which worried the Club of Rome , but by numbers of people and the cost of a worldwide defence of the environment .
6 At the same time , research evidence about how people view this in practice conveys a sense of boundaries : that there are limits to what one can reasonably expect relatives to do , and to what a person would want to rely on relatives for .
7 So , recognising that there are limits to the exercise of this inherent jurisdiction , I agree with Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. that I can conceive of no situation where it would be a proper exercise of the jurisdiction to make such an order as was made in the present case : that is to order a doctor , whether directly or indirectly , to treat a child in a manner contrary to his or her clinical judgment .
8 Government on these terms is tolerable if the party in power recognises that there are limits to what it is entitled to do . ’
9 Broadly , there is today a consensus that there are limits to the extent to which those who study and write about society can set aside their own commitments and prejudices .
10 We saw in the previous section that there are limits to rationality , and that thought can and does break through those limits on different levels .
11 In spite of their support of the Conservative Party , the leaders of British industry have made it plain that there are limits to the extent to which they are prepared to sacrifice profitability in giving support to the government 's inner city policies .
12 Principles of neutrality state that there are reasons to be neutral .
13 As with a number of other computer companies , Pick has discovered that there are brains to be hired that previously worked in academia , the military , government and even the KGB .
14 Birtwell acknowledges that there are advantages to having a settle side , but he also pinpoints what he sees as great drawbacks to this approach .
15 I still had the suit on — and Fly 's glasses if I needed any props — so I got a ‘ that 'll do nicely ’ sort of smile and the up-from-under look which tells you that there are advantages to private medicine .
16 What the team demonstrated first of all was that there are attitudes to safety such as ‘ accidents will happen ’ and , when contractors are involved , ‘ accidents will definitely happen . ’
17 Traditional economic theory suggests that there are benefits to be reaped from creating free movement .
18 Recognition that there are areas to be catered for which lie outside the subject departments and need to be kept outside the distribution mechanism , for example , administration , library , orchestra etc .
19 But he stressed : ‘ I think it is clear that there are savings to be had and we shall be keen to take those into account . ’
20 ‘ Haagen-Dazs for me demonstrates one of the rediscovered marketing lessons of recent years , that there are alternatives to the ‘ all or nothing ’ brand launch .
21 A lot more sort of individual builders and self-employed people like me and Chas will be more aware of things like this and that there are alternatives to it .
22 It is said that there are exceptions to this rule and that the following persons can sue for trespass although they had not possession — ( a ) A trustee against any third person who commits a trespass to trust chattels in the hands of the beneficiary .
23 I have nonetheless determined to deliver a short judgment because it seems to me that there are lessons to be learned from this case which , I am told by Mr. Tyzak , is the first case to come before this particular bench under the Children Act 1989 .
24 Recently , however , many departments have recognised that there are issues to be considered , and that these relate , for example , to employment as well as service delivery , and to indirect as well as direct discrimination and racism .
25 Professor Klaus Pinkau , director of the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics , points out that there are drawbacks to centralising research away from universities — for example , academics who in theory have time and resources for research are cut off from the best facilities .
26 You will also have heard er in the question earlier about the fact that there are references to budgetary issues both in the minutes of the last Environment Committee and also in the County Council on thirtieth of November which did refer specifically the fire service review and also passenger transport .
27 The evidence not surprisingly shows that there are gains to acquiree shareholders , given the need to pay a premium to persuade them to part with control .
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