Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [vb mod] not give " in BNC.

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1 Another feeling , which is much more likely if you talk about my character , would be that I ca n't give anything more to this ensemble , that it 's time for someone fresher to guide these people in the right direction .
2 ‘ You know very well that I ca n't give you that sort of information , ’ said Harris , his gravelly voice unusually gentle .
3 He did n't seem convinced so I did n't tell him that I would n't give odds on his wheels being there in the morning .
4 ‘ I assure you that I will not give any offence to the Lady Yolande .
5 Very few athletes enter sport without the assistance and encouragement of a teacher who might innocently create serious tensions , as with Jackie Jackson , whose PE teacher strengthened her commitment to athletics , a commitment which proved destructive to her educational aims , as she pointed out : ‘ I was spending so much time in athletics that I could n't give enough time to my ‘ A ’ levels . ’
6 On a more personal level , Riley has said : ‘ The game is the same but the stakes are higher for women – – You need time to reflect , you are alone essentially , and I knew that I could n't give the time and thought to bringing up children or caring for another person on an intimate level .
7 ‘ I told the police I would take them off in this country , but that I could n't give confirmation I would n't use them abroad . ’
8 I told the hon. Gentleman that I could not give him the information for which he asked until October , when the 1991 population figures would become available .
9 The next witness was the Duchess 's cook , who spoke very angrily and said that she would not give any evidence .
10 She was n't sure just how she felt , but she retained enough control to know that she could n't give in to shock in front of fitzAlan .
11 She sensed that he needed more , and this was something that she could not give … the secret places of her mind .
12 Belle 's angels told her that this terrifying woman suffered excruciating headaches and that she must n't give up .
13 Mr Browning motioned his wife to be quiet and taking Wilson 's arm conducted her to the door , saying something to the effect that she must not give way to gloomy thoughts and that doubtless she was tired with a young baby still nursing and a house to run .
14 This is n't to say that you ought not to give such personal undertakings ; on the contrary , unless you have reason to distrust your client , you should be prepared to take this very small risk to facilitate completion .
15 In Leicestershire we are trying to produce an agreed policy between each practice and cardiologist , and I would entirely agree that you can not give a blanket yes or no .
16 ‘ I will allow you to take his soul , ’ said Fael-Inis again , ‘ but I must have your promise that you will not give his body to the Conablaiche .
17 Chris insists that you should n't give them anything you 're not prepared to eat yourself .
18 It is clear that one can not give a general rule .
19 Erm in so that it 's our fault really that we ca n't give work to our our er people .
20 I tell Opposition Members that we shall not give way ; we shall retain control over public spending .
21 and , and , er of course that the commission looked at this as er , er , as a question to be looked at in the context of the market and of all facts , but they said you , if you want restrictions you can be sure that we wo n't give you any exemption for them , so you 'd better remove every single solitary objection , objec er restriction that we identify , that 's why at the end of the day they got er , it was a very , very strict approach by the commission , you can have nothing which is acceptable , you can get negative clearance but you 've got to be cleaner than clean , whiter than white , so remove every possible restriction .
22 They hid the grave so that we could n't give the bodies a proper burial .
23 The recognition that we can not give complete holist explanations of social phenomena does not undermine the centrality of the intuition to which the doctrine , in its various forms , is a response : the sense that many properties of individuals , whether tastes , aspirations , beliefs , expectations or habits , are to an over-whelming extent formed by society .
24 One thing to be said of that is that it does not at all follow , from the fact that we can not give particular descriptions of items that fall within a set , that we can not satisfactorily conceive of and describe the set .
25 And I suspect that if we offered them counselling from cater good catering advice on how to maximise their market return they 'll do it because I would n't hang about for a meal if I knew that they would n't give you a meal in fifteen minutes , I 'd go and eat somewhere else .
26 The ones who served on the Organising Committee and the embryo Central Authority , and the remainder who joined them on appointment later in 1947 , were quite clear that they would not give up their statutorily entrenched independence to Citrine and Self .
27 Where I have a little concern and that 's only 'cos I do n't know the of all of it , is that you are picking up , yes very minor non-conformances but in practice fairly large numbers in a fairly short time scale what I would be concerned about is when you get your B S I audit that these other areas that you have n't looked at have got equally this lack of attention to detail , that you end up with not only major break down in your system , but sufficient minor breakdowns in your system , to cause them to say that they wo n't give you registration .
28 [ Guevara then went on to mention ] some things he had in mind : — ( 1 ) That they could not give back the expropriated properties … but they could pay for them in trade .
29 What the Government is trying to do is to persuade the estate agents that they should n't give false particulars at all .
30 They should not feel aggrieved at her asking for money ; when she went into the cold hall she felt that it would not give her back much , if anything .
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