Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [vb base] [pers pn] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Now to do that effectively I think it 's essential that I get you to participate in what 's happening so from time to time I 'm going to ask you to answer questions , sometimes by writing them down , sometimes by shows of hands erm sometimes by er reacting back erm to the questions that I ask .
2 Let me be buried in lead at Claydon next to where your father proposes to lie himself , and let no stranger wind me , nor do not let me be stripped , but put a clean smock on me , and let my face be hid and do you stay in the room and see me wound and laid in the first coffin , which must be of wood if I do not die of any infectious disease , else I am so far from desiring it that I forbid you to come near me .
3 I assure the House that , in all the speeches that I have made at police meetings and conferences this year , I have repeatedly stressed to the police that I want them to give this type of crime high priority .
4 ‘ I 've told my promoter Barry Hearn that I want it to come off next September and I want it to be outdoors .
5 Now look at that I want you to see them in the bath , they enjoy themselves like children .
6 Not that I want you to agree with your colleague , but check perhaps , particularly for a bearing yourself .
7 If you think of a famous building that you associate with London okay we are doing life in the city , we all live in London okay , think in your mind of a famous building for example Saint Paul 's , what I want you to do , and we 'll go round the class , is that I want you to describe yourself
8 ‘ So much so that I want you to do it again . ’
9 So I make no apologies for beginning this book in the way that a conjurer might , by giving you an apparently free choice from the pack while in fact forcing on you the particular card that I want you to take .
10 You work so hard as my farm manager that I want you to have a larger share of the profits .
11 Erm , the next bit of , that I want you to find which is the address and telephone section , that also , I 'd like you to put at the front of the active binder .
12 So you 're all agreed that I want you to pack up at half past ten ?
13 Not that I expect you to heed my warning .
14 Apart from that I leave you to make your own sleeping arrangements .
15 on this side , you know where the little piece that , that bend , that you uncatch it to fold it up
16 Well I would n't , I , I would recommend that you tell her to contact Jeffrey , say will you take this on for me please , and ca carry my car insurance for me in future .
17 I have not often coldness with you , sweet heart ; yet I often feel that you teach me to love you .
18 I expect to double the yield of Tobacco this harvest , but I am sensible that you desire us to put more land under the cane , this sugar trade being the more profitable at home and the Negroes most apt to its cultivation .
19 " I always obey my father without question as I did today , and all I ask is that you help me to continue to do that . "
20 And why it 's vital that you help us to stop it .
21 ' ’ I trust to have word from you by this messenger , and delay only to know that you wish me to proceed .
22 ‘ Do I understand , sir , ’ I said , ‘ that you wish me to convey the information to the young gentleman ? ’
23 By reinforcing your credit policy a reputable debt collector can not only recover your monies but can also let your customers know that you run an efficient business and that you expect them to do the same by paying you as and when agreed .
24 I 've the feeling that you expect me to say something to you ?
25 The counsellor said , ‘ You are describing Sarah in a very loving and respectful way — but you sound angry when you say that you expect me to pull you up for not describing her as a lover , too .
26 But , never one to miss an opportunity , ‘ I insist that you allow me to take you to lunch , ’ he followed up , and smilingly waited .
27 ‘ Well , there are and what I would like to propose to you is this , that you allow me to do these tests on you .
28 Well , I do n't imagine that you want me to answer all those questions immediately , otherwise nobody else , I think , would get a look in .
29 ‘ What is it that you want me to do , Isabel ? ’
30 Everyone loves me for the very things that you want me to cover up !
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