Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [vb base] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 Because of the importance that we attach to their manufacturing activities , we should take an early look at those organisations ' progress and performance within their sectors .
2 He pointed out that , when new products come on the market , they are often treated as great blessings , and it is only after a great deal of experience and use that we learn of their dangers and downsides .
3 ( 1981 ) list 15 predictions that they derive from their conditioned attention theory and point out that many of these have received empirical confirmation .
4 The announcements made by the Minister for Overseas Development a few minutes ago about the food situation were welcome , but people in Africa are starving and the terms of trade that they receive in their dealings with the developed countries , the problem of their huge indebtedness to the developed countries and the world order over which we now preside are such that hundreds of millions of people live on the edge of catastrophe .
5 That is not a retrospective or prescriptive but a descriptive process and will allow the citizens of this country to measure the standards of service that they receive from their local authorities .
6 The Home Office and the House must strike a balance between preserving the liberty of the citizen and protecting the lives of police men and police women who are the only protection available to ordinary citizens against people who carry knives and who will stab and kill without regard for the misery that they inflict on their fellow citizens .
7 And whilst it was never , it could never have been God 's will for Naomi to backslide with Elimelech her husband , and to go into Moab out of the mess that they make of their life , out of the mistakes that they , they perpetrate again and again , God somehow in his graciousness , in his mercy brings goodness from it !
8 Whether nurses would come under the arrangements identified in the White Paper depends entirely on the contractual arrangements that they make with their employers .
9 Scent 's fresh and there are the ends of those little white sticks that they burn in their mouths .
10 The fact is that they know from their own experience that many of their contemporaries take drugs occasionally and do not become addicted .
11 Such categories naturally facilitate interaction within linguistic communities and inhibit interaction between communities to the extent that they differ in their conceptual and communicative economies .
12 This is fuelled by a feeling that the primary sector may prove a pretty tough nut to crack , with local publishers offering resolute resistance in an area that they regard as their own back yard .
13 Some species manage to live on land in humid tropical forests , undulating on mucus that they secrete from their undersides .
14 I find that friends of mine who are unemployed , their wives tend to th tend to think that they get under their feet a lot .
15 It asked that they turn in their " heavy and medium-calibre weapons and ammunition " no later than April 30 .
16 erm , I was also going to use , erm , the erm R I B kind of format that they use for their listings you know for their leisure lists
17 Another major advantage of bananas over other sweet foods is that they come in their own hermetically sealed biodegradable packaging — the ideal food for when you are on the move .
18 To the extent that R&D is undertaken by independent firms merely in order to ensure that they innovate before their rivals or to prevent rivals from producing new products which displace those that currently generate rents , then firms who make R&D decisions co-operatively may do less R&D than they would if they were independent .
19 For the families and individuals this means that they depend for their electricity on what they can generate for themselves , grow much of their own food and recycle their own wastes .
20 In short , high-technology managers recognize quite explicitly that they depend upon their people and their people 's ‘ local knowledge ’ — their detailed expertise in and familiarity with technology , markets , production realities , and all the myriad details of how to understand what is happening , and how to actually implement any plan ( Baba , 1988 ; Geertz , 1983 ) .
21 Again discontinuity of experience marks the lives of these children , despite the fact that they remain in their own homes all along .
22 The idea is to throw an opponent so that they land on their back , fairly hard .
23 However , I would disagree most strongly with the suggestions for future action that they draw from their results .
24 In addition , these authorities license airports to ensure that they comply with their national interpretation of ICAO standards , and they also issue certificates of airworthiness for types of aircraft and in respect of each individual aircraft on their register , besides monitoring aircraft design and manufacturing standards .
25 The amount that banks hold in cash and operational balances is up to them and depends on the demand for cash that they expect from their customers .
26 Therefore , people who share it have an obligation to obey the law that they acquire through their conduct of their own lives , as part authors of their own moral world .
27 The strains are emotional as much as physical , as the carer tries to keep everyone happy as well as trying to make sure , as far as possible , that no harm befalls the elderly mothers during the hours that they spend on their own .
28 This process not only gives identification and hope for the newcomer , it also reminds the old-timers that they forget at their peril how life used to be .
29 Secondly , the licensing obligations of regional electricity companies apply to power that they buy from their affiliates as well as to power that they buy from other people .
30 Tylers have never recognized any union and are well known for the low rates and poor conditions that they impose on their workers .
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