Example sentences of "[that] [art] [noun sg] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such use may be an infringement of any design rights that the buyer has in the designs embodied in these tools , but he will in general prefer to avoid the attempt to invoke these rights , and instead to rely on a provision like cll 8.1 and 8.2 of Precedent 2 .
2 It is hard to compromise on the need for Iraq to leave the whole of Kuwait : the Security Council has insisted , in stark black and white , that the withdrawal has to be complete and unconditional .
3 There was no requirement that the engine had to be started .
4 If we look at the insurance order and the one relating to building societies , it is quite clear there that the auditor has to be acting in his capacity o er as auditor .
5 As far as ho erm the H R T is erm here we go you see , this is post-natal illness this is right , we need one on that as well , but what we need to know , and what we need to be aware of , is that the discussion has to be actually put out through the members in the same sort of way as Ken and Peggy have done in the erm Midland and East Coast region and also on Working Women 's Safety , it needs to be taken on board that we are absolutely fed up , sick to death and absolutely running out of patience at having to hammer home this thing about equality .
6 The client will not necessarily understand , particularly a first-time buyer , that the deposit has to be paid on exchange of contracts , which is some time before the mortgage advance becomes available .
7 The Labour Cabinet was , it is clear , united in its view that the budget had to be balanced .
8 What relationship exists between the painting and the vision of reality that the artist has before his eyes ?
9 A citizen 's will of July 1449 implies that the mastership had by then become vacant , but no date of death is known .
10 However , they mean that the pilot has to be prepared for a possible launch failure or cable break on every flight .
11 Although the legislation approved by Congress made no explicit linkage between the guarantees and settlements , it stated that the money had to be used within Israel 's pre-1967 borders .
12 Regarding the £4 million , is not telling local authorities that they have to produce schemes within two weeks and that the money has to be spent by March a disorderly way of doing things ?
13 Mr Guest told the court that the case had to be seen against a background of 400,000 people in the United Kingdom who did not own a set but who were routinely hounded and subjected to abuse by the licensing authority .
14 Some argued that the case had been brought to an early end as there was little chance of the prosecution being successful , others suggesting that the case had in all but final verdict already been won .
15 He had been told that the Chairman had with a handgun shot dead a general who had dared to argue with his strategy during the dark days of the war .
16 The main difficulty was that the tinfoil had to be wrapped round the drum each time it was loaded , and it was almost impossible to replace accurately .
17 Giving cautious backing to the Dengist campaign , Li nevertheless warned that the maintenance of social and political stability was the " prerequisite for reform " , and that the government had to " be on the watch for any ideological trend towards bourgeois liberalization , … otherwise there will be serious consequences " .
18 The ceremony was boycotted by the US ambassador despite the fact that the government had on June 16 announced the opening of an inquiry into the events surrounding the violence .
19 It came amid reports that the government had in July accepted US funds to establish a new 100-strong secret service , to be called the Council for Public Security and National Defence , closely linked to the US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) .
20 I beg to move , That this House , noting that the ten million people today living on or below the income support level of less than £40 a week for an adult represent the greatest numbers in poverty in Britain since the war , and that the Government has as a deliberate policy over twelve years further impoverished the poorest one third of the nation to make the rich richer , calls on the Government to reverse its policies of increasing poverty and unemployment and to give priority to the growing millions excluded from the rights and opportunities of real citizenship by increasing pensions by £5 per week for a single pensioner and by £8 a week for a married couple , by re-instituting the pension link with earnings which the Government broke twelve years ago , and by restoring to families the losses in child benefit from three years of government freeze .
21 Yet such a view is contrary to the spirit of much of the rest of this work , where we emphasize the limited control that the government has over the private sector .
22 A problem with the presentation of the foregoing data is to assess the amount of responsibility that the government has for the policies .
23 Mary Warnock provides a scathing analysis of the government 's attitude to higher education when she writes of the contempt that the government has for universities and their staff :
24 But it also varies , as we shall see in the case studies in later chapters , according to the resources that the government has at hand to defuse the political consequences of disruption .
25 Apart from that , the hon. Gentleman should acknowledge that the Government have for a number of years , under the farm and conservation grants scheme , provided a 40 per cent .
26 Erm , since that particular time , the financial climate has significantly changed , and the government policy in relation to certain areas of expenditure which I comment , which I commented on earlier , erm , has also changed , in that instead of paying direct grant , they are now issuing credit approvals , which permits borrowing to agreed levels within the constraints of the capital control mechanisms , that the government have in place , the controlling overall levels of indebtedness of councils .
27 Marot continued his translations but had produced only fifty when he died in 1544 , so that the work had to be finished by Theodore de Beze .
28 We 've managed to run our economy so that the pound has always been teetering before it fell ; the successful economies have been run so that the currency had to be suppressed . ’
29 Furthermore , the DUC also realized that the mining had to be prevented by preventing prospecting and not waiting to begin opposition with the planning applications for the mining itself : ‘ We always felt that if it came to an actual application for mining that we would lose .
30 Another aspect of the calm air hover is that the tail has to be ‘ flown ’ , or positioned , all the time , whereas a wind produces a ‘ weathercock ’ effect which makes things much easier .
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