Example sentences of "[that] [verb] [pron] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I scrambled up to find a rather nervous photographer who had not enjoyed the path that led him to that spot .
2 I want to take you through the thinking that led me to that conclusion , and then to concentrate on one of the keys to securing that future — the whole question of advancing the cause of children 's books .
3 Ask yourself the question , ‘ Is it my desire , my greed , my wish to be in control that drives me in this matter , or do I feel the lightness of purpose that is a mark of the guidance from within ? ’
4 ‘ It 's as if the skin that separates you from those horrible things in the newspaper has been ripped away , ’ says Alexandra Campbell , who six years ago was the victim of an attack in her own home .
5 It was drink that got me into this mess .
6 I know it was only the extra weight of the Cross that got me up that hill .
7 ‘ It 's over-consumption that got us into this mess in the first place , ’ says Julia Langer .
8 It 's your thinking that got you into this place ! ’
9 In any case it was Shirley who had typed the card and she was in a higher or lower world that cared nothing for such trivia .
10 It stood , open and scoured , to breathe the air that purified it from any hint of sour milk .
11 Erm but I mean there 's nothing in , in that that we get from national level that has anything at all appertaining to Northumberland in it or on it , has it ?
12 Er that concludes ours at this moment Mr .
13 PS Do let me know if there 's anything in the script that worries you at all — my home number is 01 228 9066 .
14 One of the things that helped us over this difficult period was the fact that earlier that year the cutter crews had decided to form their very own association .
15 If we analyze lots of water samples taken at different depths at the same we can then plot a graph of concentration versus depth and get a profile that looks something like this .
16 Er we have a marketing group that goes around the country doing that and when they er sign the surgery up to do the er for us to do the product or pri print the product they leave a sheet that looks something like this .
17 What was it about Luke Hunter that reduced her to such gibbering incoherence ?
18 Well I suppose what 's but you see I do n't know whether she 's doing it that must be her that done it in that corner , cos he ai n't been in here !
19 Ethical problems will surface , for no power-based organization likes to have its idiosyncrasies made public , and the anthropologist who is a member of the family and not merely a temporary visitor to the ‘ backyard ’ exotica can find that writing anything at all becomes crucially problematic .
20 Yes , did you find that hindered you at all ?
21 Looked again , more carefully this time , and saw no-one that resembled her at all .
22 that put it underneath that 's all I 'm gon na do is , do I I 'll measure the framework
23 Then the world seemed to be going round and he was falling down and someone was running from a distance , one of the Keepers , in a grey uniform and with a fat pale face that filled him with such fear that he began to cry out in Hebrew words that he had forgotten he knew .
24 Er Trading Standards Officers have been helping the police have made a large number of visits to sales in recent months targetting those where we know or suspect there will be concentration of counterfeiter goods and these stolen items we 've been taking and seizing items , we 've been making inspections and er we will also be distributing some leaflets to try and advise people of some of the risks and dangers that face them at this sort of event .
25 The children looked bewildered , but she added consolingly , ‘ That 's why dogs have to have an injection every year that protects them against that horrible disease as well as many others . ’
26 The sorts of premises that lend themselves to this kind of development tend to be your large country house type accommodation , miles from anywhere .
27 What was it about Judith that threw him into such confusion now , as then ?
28 ‘ And it was six years for both of us , but you 'll understand if I ca n't sympathise with your waiting when it was all unknowing — ignorance being bliss — whereas I 've known precisely what it was that troubled me through all those six years . ’
29 " Mr Drew says that wearing anything like that is idolatry .
30 A keen diver and photographer , he runs a marine consultancy part time that takes him to many of the world 's most interesting coral reefs .
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