Example sentences of "[that] [verb] be [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was built in 876 , and those ancient parts of the church that remain are among the few fragments from that time that still exist , not only in Milan , but also in Lombardy .
2 For the first episode , the house that crumbled was in a real North London street designated for demolition .
3 ‘ There is a need for fish that has been on the market a couple of days .
4 He much prefers to drive something that has been on the market for two or three years , reasoning that most of the initial problems should have been ironed out .
5 SongWright 5.1 is the latest version of a package that has been on the market for several years .
6 Equality of opportunity — the idea that everybody should have a fair chance of doing themselves justice — is a notion that has been at the basis of public provision of education and indeed of much educational charity for a long time indeed .
7 It is only the most recent work that has been of an acceptable standard in this respect , and the finding may be summarised as showing a modest correlation between the level of lead in the blood and hyperactivity in children , and between high blood levels and low intelligence , with the latter conclusion more firmly established .
8 Simply expressed , the accountability , or responsibility , of single-party government to the people a responsibility that has been of the very essence of our system of parliamentary democracy-would be rendered less likely with proportional representation .
9 A marvellous opportunity to visit a forge that has been in the same family for five generations to see a working blacksmith .
10 As a general rule , it is sensible to select a large , well-known company that has been in the market for a long time .
11 Now remember I am the leader of a party that has been in the front line against his violence for twenty years , and have been at many risks , as have been members of my party , but when I say that that dialogue is the best hope they 've seen for peace for twenty years .
12 She said I do n't know what your there 's a missing , so I it said Mr G , so dad said why does it say Mr and er , she said it 's a court order she said , court order , she said er that has been in the yard
13 raises yet again a problem that has been before the Court of Appeal on a number of occasions over the past 10 years or so .
14 The prayer that occurred was in a small group and it was a prayer for power for the church .
15 Adjustment for risk factors known before the start of labour made little difference to perinatal mortality rates , but such differences that occurred were in the expected direction .
16 Nature , Sickert insisted , is not going to sit still and wait till you have got what is there — all the most interesting things that happen are of the most momentary description .
17 The last time that happened was with an Irish judge in the 1830s .
18 Er all those that finished was in the finishing union , yeah .
19 It explains that ‘ the picture that emerges is of a group of people who were keen to engage in farming on their own account and who established themselves on a smallholding , often many years ago , but who have failed to progress beyond this first step in the farming ladder .
20 The picture that emerges is of a man both maddening and engaging in his inner spiritual drive , and in his search for a way of living appropriate to its demands .
21 The picture that emerges is of a grim tide of sociological , economic and policy factors that has simply washed many young people to the fringes of society .
22 However , in spite of having continually plundered Arabia through the centuries and taken thousands of its best horses , by the beginning of this century few of their descendants remained and those that did were in a very sorry state of deterioration .
23 There is nothing that enjoys being on the end of a strength 10 hit from a cannon .
24 Certainly those who came for a meal with Dorothy Mellings — while Alice was there , with Jasper — tended to come in ones or twos , mostly women , perhaps needing Dorothy 's advice , or even to borrow money ; divorced friends — so many of the couples that had been to the Mellings 's in the good days had split up .
25 She had recognised him instantly , though she had seen him in the flesh only once before and that had been across a crowded ballroom .
26 Only then did it strike me that there was indeed a role that a further staff member could crucially play here ; that it was , in fact , this very shortage that had been at the heart of all my recent troubles .
27 In spelling out its arguments for the proposed pattern , the Council was once again reinterpreting the balance that had been at the centre of its concerns from the beginning : there was nothing in the Charter and Statutes ‘ which prevented greater recognition from being given to an institution 's own internal procedures where these could be shown to be rigorous and effective .
28 First of all , there was the problem that had been at the root of France 's defeat in 1940 — the decay of the republican state , which had been so powerfully symbolized by the Third Republic 's abdication to Pétain in July 1940 .
29 After a while she sat up and slowly began to undress to her camisole and her waist petticoat ; then , turning up the gas that had been on a low jet , she went across the room to the wash-hand stand and poured water from the jug into the basin .
30 But , when asked in 1947 to replace an old dirty power station that had been on the site since 1891 , he soon forgot such idealism and , like any architect , was glad to have the job .
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