Example sentences of "[that] [noun] be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We soon took steps to ensure that Gary was otherwise occupied when private matters of the church and home were discussed .
2 Observation and assessment confirmed that Gary was indeed showing all these behaviours , but also revealed that they were being heavily reinforced by attention from his parents and by the fact that the shouting and temper tantrums usually resulted in Gary 's getting his own way .
3 Half of those giving a trade credit report said that payment was not received on time and two-thirds said that the situation was worse than 12 months previously .
4 All he could distinguish was the sound rather than the words , but he could tell by the tone of her voice that Senga was n't taking it in .
5 You must at least conceede that Strach is not going to be able to keep performing at this level indefinitely .
6 Towards half-time , the fans must have got the feeling that Swindon were never going to score .
7 The museum invited him , said one of its officials , at the suggestion of ‘ the State Department , which advised us that Tudjman was democratically elected . ’
8 The writer who feels that suspense is best suited to his or her talents would do well before setting out , however , to get it clear in his or her own head that suspense is what is to be produced and that the book contemplated will adopt this form , or formula , in preference to any other .
9 Throughout the debate it was evident that opinions were fervently held and eloquently expressed .
10 Teachers themselves , meanwhile , increasingly seem to realise that change is here to stay .
11 Some , through their contact with the various women 's organizations , are aware of these problems and believe that change is already taking place in many very positive ways .
12 Schipper pointed out that researchers are again handicapped by not having enough data .
13 When looking at geographic geomorphology in the 1980s Graf , Trimble , Toy and Costa , ( 1980 ) observed that the human factor in geomorphology received insufficient attention until the late 1960s but that researchers are now recognizing the effect of human activity in many processes ranging from relatively minor disturbances to almost complete control .
14 That 's in spite of earlier assurances that permission was n't needed .
15 Rumours have been circulating that experts are bitterly divided over what to do .
16 A spokesman confirmed that they probably come from the Bremen Kunstverein , from which fifty paintings , 1,715 drawings and 3,000 prints went missing at the end of the war , and that experts are still examining them .
17 I reckon that wilko is probably waiting for Tinkler to get back for him to play the Batty/Fairclough role .
18 The result is that CAD is now used by architects , pharmacists , shoemakers , the rag trade , lighting manufacturers , surgeons , the chemical industry , graphic designers , video and television companies as well as those industries where it all started .
19 Rumour has it that Sierra were then approached by IBM themselves , to produce a product that would take advantage of the colour graphic features of their forthcoming wonder machine the IBM PCjr .
20 I know that plans are well advanced throughout the country for a massive collecting effort next year and I want to wish all of you involved all the very best in your efforts as we approach these days , that 's to say donation days , in the coming year .
21 I think we have to say that er I would imagine that plans are well advanced for the nineteen ninety/ninety one/ninety two settlement , er so it may not be immediately that er we will get the benefit of what we said to him .
22 I believe that Taylor is still leaving the door open for Gazza to play some part against Norway in the opening World Cup tie at Wembley on October 14 — providing he comes through the ordeal of an Italian League baptism .
23 Venables , though , maintains that Spurs were about to sign Paul Gascoigne , and it was decided to allow Manchester United to sign Hughes , thus weakening their financial clout to make a counter-bid for Gascoigne .
24 ‘ I 'm glad to see you 're putting those binoculars to good use , ’ Windeler said , indicating the Zeiss that Schaffer was still holding , ‘ but I doubt that they 'll tell you much .
25 In my own department , I should say that , although some members still believe that literature is best studied in isolation , looking simply at ‘ the words on the page ’ , most of us now like to contextualise it in some way , often historically , and are inclined to ask students to read some texts which are not ‘ literature ’ in the conventional sense .
26 Yet Nizan is insistent that ideology and aesthetics are not necessarily mutually exclusive provided that the problem of their unification is viewed dialectically : that is to say , provided that literature is not perceived as a static object but the site of a dialectical process involving writer and reader in a moral and political adventure .
27 Why do some people think that faith is necessarily troubled by doubt but that knowledge is not ?
28 One feels that Nyerere was specifically addressing educated people like himself , who had come from different backgrounds , absorbed European culture and manners , discovered a common nationalist cause and gone through a political campaign successfully together , yet still knew relatively little about one another 's cultural traditions .
29 It should perhaps be added that Stewart was not attempting to enter the service at a higher than normal rank , for fusilier regiments did not employ the rank of ensign , the equivalent rank being that of second lieutenant , which was what was sought .
30 Furthermore , now that solicitors are strongly recommended to provide information about costs in advance the Society will carry out a review of whether clients should continue to have the right to ask the Society to reduce a solicitor ; s bill by the remuneration certificate process .
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