Example sentences of "[that] [noun] 's [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Under the peace of Kingston/Lambeth , in the following month , Louis promised to ensure that Eustace 's brothers vacated the Channel Islands .
2 In this immensely rewarding contribution to Renaissance studies , he argues that Marlowe 's heroes remain , in effect , contained .
3 After successive allegations by Sierra Leone in late March and early April that Taylor 's forces had raided Sierra Leonean villages , killing numbers of civilians , Sierra Leonean forces were reported by mid-April to be operating inside Liberian territory held by the NPFL , while NPFL troops with heavy weapons were said to be advancing into Sierra Leone , both sides claiming successes .
4 On May 13 it was reported that Taylor 's forces had received a cargo of military equipment from Libya through the port of Buchanan , and that the rebels were freely using supply routes through Côte d'Ivoire .
5 There is no evidence that Roe 's men worked on the westerly , Paddy End , workings which they had acquired from Tissington .
6 Earlier this week , Colchester police revealed that Lisa 's relatives had recognised clothing taken from the body and the identity has now been confirmed by checks on dental records .
7 However , a much publicised speech delivered by Schach on March 26 was almost devoid of any political content , and the Israeli media consequently concluded that Peres 's efforts to woo the rabbi had failed .
8 Suddenly his hand moved , fastening around one slender wrist so tightly that Isabel 's bones cracked .
9 FitzAlan 's gaze immediately flashed to her mouth , his eyes darkening so abruptly that Isabel 's knees went weak .
10 But it 's still considered that Balcerowicz 's reforms have been a success .
11 Someone might have warned the poor girl that Peckinpah 's movies do have that effect on some people .
12 When the time comes to experience the events that Tod 's dreams foretell ( when we find out , for instance , how the baby came to wield such power ) , then maybe I will take it harder .
13 One argues that Wainwright 's books have become ‘ a snare and a delusion ’ .
14 It would be an exaggeration to imply that Vogel 's views have been slavishly followed by Japanese or Western writers .
15 It seems that Watkins 's energies have gone into making sure he has got the details right at the expense of analysis .
16 French public opinion was enraged by the attempt and was further inflamed when it became known that Orsini 's bombs had been made in Birmingham and the conspiracy hatched in London .
17 However , any conclusion that Portugal 's rights have indeed been violated must imply that Indonesia was not a proper party to the treaty , which must therefore be invalid .
18 The mare shied violently , jumping with a sudden jerk to the left with such force that Lucy 's boots slid from the stirrups and she was thrown to the ground .
19 The former bowled mean medium-pace , the latter with a venomous left arm , and they shared all 13 Australian wickets to fall in a low-scoring game that Waddy 's men won by seven .
20 Rachel leaned forward between the front seats of the ambulance and as she glanced down she saw that David 's knuckles showed white as he gripped his black case , his other hand on the door catch , ready to run ; Greg was gnawing the side of his thumb and behind her Nina was breathing deeply .
21 It was one thing to suspect that he might be on a terrorist hit list , and quite another to realize that Asmar 's killers knew where he was .
22 The Builder had an editorial on 19th February which contained extracts from a letter from Scott reasserting that his design was better lit , as convenient and no more expensive than a classical design , and it commented that Scott 's opponents did not understand that he was not intending to reproduce old forms rigidly and he was only willing to introduce ‘ the refinements and inventions of our own day ’ .
23 What I am suggesting is that Spenser 's texts offer glimpses of issues which Elizabethan culture found awkward to confront directly — a belief in the precariousness of its civilisation given the existence of savagery ( exemplified by other customs , baser classes , other religions ) confronting a self-defined orderly minority .
24 Robson was , in one sense , simply echoing the words of Maitland that ‘ if you take up a modern volume of the reports of the Queen 's Bench division , you will find that about half the cases reported have to do with rules of administrative law ’ and that you must ‘ not neglect their existence in your general description of what English law is ’ otherwise ‘ you will frame a false and antiquated notion of our constitution ’ The fact that Robson felt the need to propound this view so strongly , and that Maitland 's thoughts seemed to have been almost entirely neglected , serve to indicate that conservative normativism had by the 1920s become established as the dominant tradition .
25 I know that Steven 's parents understand how glad we are to do whatever we can for our daughter , and their son .
26 As the campaign wore on , greater emphasis was placed on the lesbian and gay issue and the threat that Labour 's policies posed to everything that was ‘ normal ’ and ‘ natural ’ .
27 No tax system can take account of everything , but many commentators feel that Labour 's proposals do little more than transfer money between different sets of people without taking account of the responsibilities that each has to carry .
28 It is evident that Lavandera 's arguments entail a very different conception from Labov 's of the theoretical assumptions underlying the study of variation .
29 Assad also reaffirmed that Syria 's efforts to release the Western hostages held in Lebanon would continue .
30 Another possibility is that Wilfrid 's sympathies lay with descendants of the Deiran royal family of Eadwine .
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