Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An editorial declared that the change of name signified a " steady trend towards a wider outlook " and heralded the fact " that teaching technology appears to be advancing on separate fronts and that these fronts could well be brought more closely together . "
2 In Unix , it has succeeded in creating the impression that it has far more of the management , security and support capabilities in place than any of its competitors , and while this may not be entirely valid , time and again in the computer industry , winning the perception is nine tenths of the battle : in the 1970s , it was universally acknowledged among the cognoscenti that Burroughs Corp had by far the best mainframe architecture and operating software , but that did nothing to prevent the vast majority of its users migrating to IBM over time .
3 Calcium might reduce the risk of osteoporosis but ‘ there was no conclusive evidence demonstrating that calcium supplementation resulted in a regeneration of lost bone ’ .
4 Since halofantrine was introduced in 1989 we do not see how data collected in 1990 go against our hypothesis that drug pressure led to the resistance we observed in 1992 .
5 Levi 's survey ( Levi 1986 ) put the figure at 1 billion losses , with recorded offences rising annually at 5 per cent , and the Confederate of British Industry estimates that computer crime runs at an annual figure of 25 to 30 million .
6 There is a mistaken notion that building intelligence relates to technological sophistication and energy saving rather than the provision of an optimal comfort environment for the occupants .
7 However public protests are also gathering momentum as people realize that shrimp farming seems to be a recipe for disaster .
8 The wireless local network product that NCR Corp exhibited at the Unix Fair in Yokohama last year is now the subject of an agreement between NCR and NEC Corp , which will sell the local network under its own name , as will NCR Japan ; WaveLAN operates in the 2.4GHz frequency band , and a new related product , NCR WavePoint , designed to connect wireless local networks to cabled ones , will also be available from June , priced at about $4,000 .
9 Norman will quite like the er bit that P Way stuck on it .
10 The company fears that uranium dust sealed inside the machine could jam the mechanism that controls the shutters .
11 All that is verging on the silly : as one who can remember Andy Pandy and the ravishing girl who read ‘ Picture Book ’ , the fact that daytime television arrived in the last six or seven years seems rather insignificant .
12 Carbon dioxide is the most soluble of the gases because as it dissolves it does n't just go through a physical solution it goes through a chemical conversion such that carbon dioxide dissolving in water forms carbonic acid which , in water will dissociate into a hydrogen iron and a hydrogen bicarbonate iron which can further dissociate this is why I 've got a nice wide blackboard and you 've only got a piece of A four paper so you end up with a carbonate iron two hydrogen ions This system is a dynamic equilibrium .
13 The type of changes that schools experience seems to be determined by two key factors :
14 Findings that eating pathology persists in the absence of intervention suggest the need for prevention programmes aimed at identifying potential cases early and then offering remedial advice or referral .
15 The company had claimed that sapele wood imported from Congo and Cameroon came from sustainable sources .
16 William of Jumièges , elaborated by William of Poitiers , reports that Edward set sail with forty ships , crossed to Southampton , defeated a large English force , and returned to Normandy after realising that he needed more men to obtain the kingdom .
17 And — in answer to the second question — the only reason that oxygen gas exists in such large amounts in the atmosphere today is that plants and some bacteria produce it in vast quantities through photosynthesis .
18 Thus , it is likely that c-Jun protein engaged in active transcription complexes within the cell can be recognised by the DNA-PK .
19 ( 1989 ) , combining GHS and British Crime Survey ( BCS ) figures , suggest that household burglary rose by 17 per cent while police figures showed an increase nearly 8 times more -127 per cent .
20 If a household chose only between the rubbish bin and recycling , Mr Fullerton points out , then a pay-to-throw scheme might indeed be the best way to capture the external costs that household rubbish imposes on the rest of society .
21 But there is no doubt that libel law does in other respects impinge upon the justifiable freedom of the press .
22 Botanically the most interesting feature is the presence of Koenigia islandica pollen ( Edwards , 1979 ) , indicating that K. islandica grew on Lewis about 27,000 years ago .
23 There is a very high incidence of alcoholism in families where incest occurs but it also appears that child molestation occurs in several generations in some families even when there is no other obvious sign of addictive disease .
24 For example , there is evidence that child molestation runs in families and is not simply an individual quirk .
25 Our experience in a smaller series is almost identical , in that HBV infection occurred in 13 of 16 grafts and death occurred in 5 of 10 patients whose grafts were infected with HBV alone .
26 The librarian suggested that tourist information provided on the Prestel might be usefully looked at .
27 The former assumption says that language behaviour in the classroom has to be natural so as to conform to the naturalness of language use : the latter assumption says that classroom behaviour has to be natural in conformity with natural processes of language learning .
28 Although the Bury to Heywood line has been disused since 1980 , the majority of track remains in place thanks to the persuasive powers that Rochdale Council exerted on British Rail at the time .
29 The effect of the income tax system on the budget constraint that individuals face depends on the precise nature of the tax system .
30 There were still physicists at the turn of the century who scoffed at ‘ the chemists ’ atoms ’ and because physics was then the senior partner in school science it is not surprising that chemistry teaching began without atoms : but as school chemistry matured the pattern was allowed to set , and teaching atoms early and in a straightforward factual way became taboo .
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