Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [unc] [noun pl] have " in BNC.

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1 After successive allegations by Sierra Leone in late March and early April that Taylor 's forces had raided Sierra Leonean villages , killing numbers of civilians , Sierra Leonean forces were reported by mid-April to be operating inside Liberian territory held by the NPFL , while NPFL troops with heavy weapons were said to be advancing into Sierra Leone , both sides claiming successes .
2 On May 13 it was reported that Taylor 's forces had received a cargo of military equipment from Libya through the port of Buchanan , and that the rebels were freely using supply routes through Côte d'Ivoire .
3 Earlier this week , Colchester police revealed that Lisa 's relatives had recognised clothing taken from the body and the identity has now been confirmed by checks on dental records .
4 But it 's still considered that Balcerowicz 's reforms have been a success .
5 One argues that Wainwright 's books have become ‘ a snare and a delusion ’ .
6 It would be an exaggeration to imply that Vogel 's views have been slavishly followed by Japanese or Western writers .
7 It seems that Watkins 's energies have gone into making sure he has got the details right at the expense of analysis .
8 French public opinion was enraged by the attempt and was further inflamed when it became known that Orsini 's bombs had been made in Birmingham and the conspiracy hatched in London .
9 However , any conclusion that Portugal 's rights have indeed been violated must imply that Indonesia was not a proper party to the treaty , which must therefore be invalid .
10 By Nov. 1 1943 the German C-in-C Southeast had concluded ‘ that Tito 's forces had to be treated as a full military threat and not merely as insurgents and that it was more important to defeat them than to prepare against the less likely threat of an Allied landing ’ .
11 It led to the famous ‘ software lock-in ’ , which meant that IBM 's customers had massive financial incentives to remain IBM customers .
12 Kelly will not have it , however , that Celtic 's finances have any bearing on the manager 's performance .
13 Asserting that " the military option is unacceptable " , and that Primakov 's talks had suggested that " the position of Saddam Hussain is not the same as before " , Gorbachev nevertheless warned in Paris on Oct. 29 : " If …
14 The sharing of the collector 's salary was really what appears to have been in the thoughts of Craigbarnet and his friends , for Dougalston too returned to this point in his letter to Montrose 's commissioner , telling him that Craigbarnet 's friends had given him to understand that they would support Kirkton 's re-election , ‘ with the same sellary that he now has if he would give Craigbarnett fifteen or twentie pound sterling yearly out of it ’ .
15 Theresa 's son was born on 28 June 1937 and christened James Frederick , and Carrie said that Fred 's feet had not touched the ground since the child 's birth .
16 At the same time , there are reports that workers ' militias had been used to cordon off streets during the demonstration in Leipzig on Monday night when some 10,000 people marched through the streets chanting ‘ Gorby , Gorby ’ and calling for the legalisation of the opposition group New Forum .
17 An official inquiry by the Pakistan military and US army experts determined that sabotage had caused the crash and that Zia 's pilots had been knocked out by a poisonous gas .
18 Later in the same month , the Daily Express carried reports by its defence correspondent , Chapman Pincher , that Wilson 's offices had been bugged by security men in both 10 Downing Street and the House of Commons .
19 The letter reveals that Turberville 's sons had been kept in Paris as hostages , and that he had been promised £100 worth of land as his reward for treachery .
20 The Aylwin government accepted the explanation and agreed that Pinochet 's remarks had been " improvised and not well thought out " .
21 So it is not surprising that China 's leaders have welcomed President Bush 's envoy .
22 Before he reached it he was aware that Julian 's eyes had shortened their focus , and were fixed with sharp intelligence upon his face .
23 He has no reason to suppose that Esau 's feelings have changed .
24 But in Latin America , even the crudest indicators such as per capita GNP , or gross national product ( which takes no account of wealth distribution ) show that people 's incomes have actually gone down in the last few years and their health , education and nutrition have gone down with them .
25 On Russian television on July 4 , Yeltsin said that Kozyrev 's remarks had been assessed at the Security Council as " harmful " , and suggested that if Kozyrev wanted to " be a prophet like [ Eduard ] Shevardnadze , then act like Shevardnadze " ( a reference to the latter 's resignation as Soviet Foreign Minister in December 1990 after warning of an impending coup — see p. 37903 ) .
26 As long as they conformed outwardly , they were fairly safe , for Elizabeth and her ministers had to tread carefully to repair the breaches of confidence in the Tudor monarchy that Mary 's policies had opened .
27 Their deliberate , low-key approach means that Derry 's preparations have been carried on virtually behind closed doors but they have nothing to hide .
28 The reason is that Malaysia 's exports have been much stronger .
29 Hospital spokesman Chris Birdsall confirmed that patients ' meals had been changed because of the visit .
30 In the spirit of this observation , however , it is not enough to argue that Marx 's views have been shown to be false by the continuing development of capitalist socialisation .
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