Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It is here that theorisations which see the nuclear family as a means for controlling the working class in the ‘ interests of capitalism ’ can be seen to be inadequate .
2 ( I had better say now that readers who identify the I of the Sonnets with Shakespeare 's own personality not only encourage that futility of speculation about the identity of a real-life ‘ Friend ’ and ‘ Dark Lady ’ which has pestered discussions of these poems for so long , and is now in the last stages of senility ; but in so doing they also destroy one of the essential principles of literary criticism in modern times , the independence of the I in lyric poetry , its existence as a persona or mask behind which the poet is free to impersonate any human situation without being identified with each or all of the mutations — often contradictory — taken on by his persona . )
3 Secondly , we are told that David I gave the town the muir in 1128 , whereas to the best of our knowledge he did nothing of the sort .
4 ‘ It was that Barney who put the idea of teaching into her head .
5 The relegation of less frequently used books to remote storage should eventually increase the overall relevance of the stock to users ' needs and therefore lead to a more efficient use of resources ( assuming that books which replace the neglected material issue more frequently ) .
6 It could be that subjects who know the route well perform differently to those who do not know the route .
7 This is evidence that subjects who knew the route well performed no differently in the recognition task from those subjects who knew the route less well .
8 It is widely conjectured that Stalin himself planned the murder of Kirov .
9 The Government could be taking many measures to ensure that refugees who have the right to stay in this country are assimilated and given equal opportunities .
10 Those prepared to fight for the principle that stories which advance the public interest should be published are usually vindicated .
11 Evidently those who make the suggestion hold that things which promote the survival of the species are good , and that no others are , and that it is important to recognize this .
12 This means that customers who like the retailer 's own brand goods can quickly identify them on the shelves .
13 Experiments have shown that males which perform the zigzag display at a higher rate ( more swims back and forth per minute ) are more likely to be successful at courtship : a female is more likely to mate with a male whose zigzagging is more energetic .
14 On Nov. 13 Moi had warned foreign diplomats to stay away from the rally , and a Foreign Ministry official said that diplomats who attended the rally " would be violating international conventions on diplomacy " .
15 Although the majority of people who visited the Exhibition Room on Survey days appeared to be well satisfied with what they saw , it is very clear ( a ) that people who visit the Library 's Exhibition Room are largely ‘ middle class ’ , and ( b ) that comparatively few visitors come from other parts of Scotland .
16 Villagers here are concerned that people who read the book might confuse fact with fiction .
17 I would have liked to see the bungalow demolished on TV so that people who violate the laws will know in future what can happen . ’
18 It is the consonant sounds which make speech intelligible ; therefore it is not surprising that people who lose the high frequencies tend to hear the voice but not to be able to distinguish words .
19 According to this theory the earlier generational pairing was abandoned because it led to so much inbreeding that people who practised the gens system were genetically more fit for natural selection and therefore survived better .
20 I wish you two lots over there would get your act together so that people who chair the meetings were of the right calibre for a chairman and not just because it was their turn .
21 Recent research has shown that people who list the consequences of dieting , positive and negative , and remind themselves of them regularly during the day , do twice as well on their diets as those people who just have routine dietary advice .
22 It has generally been the case that people who leave the DUP see their political careers terminated .
23 Never lose sight of the fact that God himself selected the collection of assets and attributes which you now possess .
24 Scobie is surely right when , with regard to Let Us Compare Mythologies he says that the title ‘ seems to indicate that Cohen himself regarded the religious sense as the primary one ’ — which in The Spice-Box Of Earth becomes completely explicit and even urgent .
25 I trust that at some stage I will have the opportunity to tax him on the curious proposal that legislation which increases the wage bill of companies does not necessarily increase the costs of those companies and therefore can be regarded as having nil effect on their competitiveness .
26 The real problems are the need for assessment at all , and that doctors who undertake the responsibility may not be adequately trained ( or experienced ) for the task .
27 Research shows that games which encourage the recognition and naming of letters are a useful learning tool .
28 Thus , if it is true that children who speak the more prestigious variety are the more successful than others , this is caused by other factors such as higher teacher- expectations or the middle-class values of the school .
29 Vocabulary and structures are constantly revised throughout the course to reinforce the language learning process and to ensure that children who join the class late do not find themselves struggling .
30 The pope laid special and dramatic emphasis on the second of these anathemas , saying that it was intolerable that hands which touched the flesh of Christ in the Eucharist , should suffer the indignity and contamination of being subordinated to hands made bloody by daily violence and bloodshed .
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