Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [verb] [adv] well " in BNC.

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1 Said Prof Sunderland : ‘ We believe that it was the international reputation of these departments , together with the strength and imaginative nature of the particular proposals that ensured that Bangor did so well . ’
2 ‘ The theory we all had was that Richard knew very well that women worked twice as hard for half the price , ’ as one girl put it .
3 We hope that Gazza does very well .
4 Unfortunately for such critics it has been found that acupuncture works equally well , if not more effectively , on animals .
5 ‘ All boats go up on a rising tide , ’ observes Frank Delaney philosophically at the end of one of those come-on-Fred-we-give-you-all-this-advertising-how-about-an-in-depth-profile pieces , in this case on Harper-Collins , that PN does so well .
6 Sometimes she thought that things went much better when Liza happened to be out of the room and she was alone with John .
7 However , sociological accounts of the meaninglessness of boring work , and the experience of alienated working class labour , commonly fail to recognise that people respond surprisingly well to bad conditions , lack of control and a sense of exploitation ; they do seek meaning , enjoyment and structure .
8 I think they 're under a great pressure and you know th I think it 's erm you know , quite amazing really , that people survive as well as they do , given the pressures they 're that they are under .
9 Thus many modern historians of classical Greece follow Thucydides and other commentators in arguing that democracy worked quite well so long as the populace was content to follow the leadership of educated spokesmen of the upper class like Pericles : " It was he who led them , rather than they who led him …
10 ‘ From our point of view , it would seem that girls adapt extremely well to post primary education .
11 This distinction applies to the things that men make as well as to the actions which men perform .
12 I have always thought that Wilko did quite well on the selling front .
13 All four works present the same sort of world — the teeming , overgrown , majestic Amazonian rainforest that Villa-Lobos knew very well .
14 Obviously it was someone that Luke knew very well .
15 The designers found that W performed significantly better than P. They write :
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