Example sentences of "[not/n't] used [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then on an embarrassed laugh , he added , ‘ I 'm not used to polite society . ’
2 But it is a lawyers ' word , and those not used to legal language might naturally think that it meant changing something or exchanging property for other property .
3 Feeling some shyness — he was not used to social life , and this looked to be above his station — he used the brass knocker , polished as it was to show one 's face , distorted , as though in a mirror at a fair .
4 If you have been sedentary for some time and are not used to physical exertion , then you should begin slowly , walking for no more than 20 minutes every other day , at a pace which stretches you but does not overtire you .
5 Erm obviously not used to any ground rooms at all .
6 Multi-AA battery compartments are not used on current Teknetics machines ; they now use PP3s with terminals and wires .
7 This would justify the fact that to is not used with this sense of let .
8 the jacquard switch is not used with this program .
9 The land was waste or forage land not used for any purpose other than that to which it was put by the plaintiffs .
10 Even the new name of Israel is not used for some time ( it reappears in 35.10 and thereafter in Genesis is used interchangeably with Jacob ) .
11 But Wittgenstein has been seen to argue convincingly that naming is a subsidiary use of language and that many substantives are not used for this purpose ( the psychological participles like ‘ thinking ’ being the obvious example ) and , furthermore , that naming itself is not a sort of primal act of speech acquisition but a clutch of language-games that need to be mastered like any others .
12 To this day , we do not know why élite internal security units of the KBW were not used for this purpose , as they were in 1956 .
13 It must have been discouraging that Adieu was not thought worthy to be given at Sadler 's Wells , and that the more handsome setting which Stevenson had designed for it was not used at that time .
14 So , for example , a request that evidence be taken on oath would be complied with in Switzerland despite the fact that the oath was not used under local procedure .
15 The three colours are not used throughout this design and areas of stocking stitch alternate with much thicker areas where the three colours are knitted ; notice that there are quite long floats .
16 Ampersand is used for and , which is not used in modern printing and , and you 've got roman , roman numerals .
17 Although galvanised iron pipe is not used in modern plumbing , you may find some connected to old-fashioned hot water tanks .
18 If one reads the Gospels themselves , with no preconceptions whatever , there is nothing to suggest that the title was not used in all seriousness — was not perfectly legitimate and acknowledged as such by at least some of Jesus 's contemporaries , including Pilate .
19 The principle of intention to treat was not used in this analysis as the purpose was evaluation of the untreated condition and the effects of treatments rather than their feasibility .
20 ‘ The typeface and letterhead is not used in this college . ’
21 Therefore , although statements of the no-arbitrage condition which use continuous compounding are common in the academic literature , they are not used in this book , which will use F = ( S - D ) ( 1 + r ) .
22 However , if not used in this project it could be used in another project as substitute for another material which would cost £225 .
23 Indeed notions of moral indignation , moral panic or moral conflict are not used in this perspective at all .
24 An expression used in common speech , but not used in formal language .
25 There are ways of indicating the beginning of a new paragraph in a piece of narrative , for example , which are not used in explanatory discourse .
26 When this was done it was found that 799 comments from the potential risks condition were given codes which were not used by any subject in the description of that five second section .
27 Shorter wavelengths than this can cause damage to animal tissue and so they are not used by any life , except us .
28 Items marked with an asterix ( * ) are not used by High Elf troops and are not therefore available to High Elf characters .
29 They did n't er they they were n't used to industrial action I think it 's fair to say and er they did n't want they were n't quite sure whether you know they they might be taken over by cert well certain political f factions if you like .
30 She ai n't used to this kind of pressure .
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