Example sentences of "[not/n't] been [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is part of that grass cutting probably due to the fact that our pavements are also covered in grass , some of them as much as two foot on either side , and you 've got two foot down the middle , going like that , where the grass is growing and has not been cut back since nineteen seventy four .
2 That claim has not been borne out for today 's designs , but such contracts can not easily be broken .
3 There may also be losses in terms of the hopes , expectations and images of parenthood which have not been borne out by experience .
4 The possibility that the generalist advice worker would become less valued through an increase in specialists has not been borne out in practice .
5 The numbers 1,2,3,5 , and 7 have not been made up by multiplying other numbers together .
6 The products will initially be manufactured in the US , though the possibility that Olivetti could one day manufacture them in Europe , for Europe , has not been ruled out in the longer term .
7 A total ban has not been ruled out in the event that scientists discover minerals which could be extracted without damaging the environment .
8 The mood of the crowd was turning to anger against those responsible for taking the children of South Ronaldsay away on what appeared to be very flimsy evidence , which had not been checked out through the appropriate channels .
9 About the year 1737 , were found in St Margaret 's church-yard , Westminster , in a dry gravelly soil , at the depth of about 18 feet , or less , which had not been broken up for above fifty years before , three entire fir coffins ; the two largest clampt together with iron , as boxes sometimes are .
10 Lumps of excrement and sodden pieces of toilet paper lie in the water in a state which suggests they have not been broken down at all .
11 Those details have not been sent out to the parish councils for further consultation and I refer there John to circular fifteen of ninety two Publicity for Planning Applications where at paragraph twenty five there is clear Government advice that where the changes are p are where the proposed changes are significant , and these are undeniably significant , there should be reconciliation .
12 Such extensive managerial powers had not been built in to any of the LEA pilot schemes of financial delegation in existence before 1988 although schools ' experiences had often entailed a change in managerial approach ( see Chapter 9 ) .
13 Had he not been turned down by a local industrial company , things might have been different .
14 The mechanisms for registering and resolving a conflict via the United Nations , which would apply in this situation , had not been gone through by the general .
15 At present about 85% of foreign aid is earmarked by Congress for specific purposes in selected countries : unlucky countries that have not been singled out for earmarked money are vulnerable to savage cuts .
16 Elderly people have not been singled out for special consideration either , but for quite a different reason : their needs are broadly the same as those of younger adults , and specialist mental health services for elderly people are now developing all over the country as a direct response to the enormous growth in the numbers of people with dementia .
17 In the words of the Kingman Report , ‘ their implications have not been followed through with sufficient rigour or in detail . ’
18 I make no secret of my gratitude for being a member of a fortunate generation who have not been called on to fight in Europe .
19 Mr Bergg said he did not want to see law breaking but he believed home owners should use the system to insist on fair valuations which had not been rushed through by estate agents .
20 Contrary to speculation , the house has not been lent out to a public exhibition since 1925 , but remains where it was designed to stand , the only completely untouched Lutyens house in existence , a permanent record of a way of life between the wars .
21 Although the newly established conservative majority on the Supreme Court had undermined the 1973 decision , most notably in the case of Webster v. Reproductive Health Services in July 1989 , the precedent had not been struck down in its entirety .
22 Since there was little practical guidance available in the literature and most previous research had not been carried out under normal classroom conditions , we decided to enlist the help of a number of experienced teachers who were using ‘ collaborative approaches successfully .
23 Such public procurement or purchasing has in the past not been carried out on the basis of buying the cheapest and/or the best .
24 It is important to distinguish between such lexical analysis of uncontrolled terms in thesis titles , ( which has not been carried out in any detail in the present study but which is one of the factors analysed in a paper in preparation by the author ) , and the subject classification carried out by Rolfe , Will and in the Laming list .
25 2.5.2 within [ 5 ] working days after any such entry serve on the Architect notice ( " Defects Notice " ) specifying any respects in which they consider that the Works are not being or have not been carried out in accordance with this clause
26 And in addition to that , as governments knew that the House of Commons would not be agreeable , ah , the ah , polite phrase is ‘ had not been educated up to ’ , ah , the acceptance of a transfer of sovereignty of the islands , an additional ingredient was thrown in .
27 I made one last effort to see if my parachute was still there , and to my amazement and relief found it had not been torn off after all .
28 The connections between theories of unconscious subjectivity and feminist politics , which , Lipschitz suggests , might break the feminist therapeutic impasse , have not been spelled out by feminist therapists , or by feminist psychologists more generally .
29 Announcing the successful bids for the latest round of exploration licences , Energy Minister Tim Eggar said 35 sites nominated by the oil and gas industry had not been put up to be licensed .
30 The South African was looking for this patterning , to ensure they had not been foisted off with sand-blasted bottle-glass or the other principal substitute , cubic zirconia .
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