Example sentences of "[not/n't] been [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 As the father of eleven children ( laughter and applause ) — I have not been a disciple of Dr Malthus but you will clearly understand that , while I appreciate the ladies , I am strongly of the opinion that they have their proper station in life ( Hear !
2 He was appointed lector at the Oxford Franciscan convent , but in 1253 a dispute arose at his presentation to incept as a doctor of theology , the opponents of the friars challenging his eligibility , as he had not been a master of arts .
3 ‘ The past year has not been a year of successful treatment or progress .
4 It would have been surprising had there not been a ripple of unease running through the Jenkins family .
5 It has not been a characteristic of the Department of Education and Science in the past few years — The Minister seems not to accept that , but if he talked to teachers about one or two recent arbitrary changes in education provision , he might well hear the view that there could have been more consultation .
6 the problem has not been a lack of information the problem has been a saturation of information
7 Minimum competencies testing has not been a feature of the UK experience , although the government 's announcement in 1987 that a national curriculum was to be established , with benchmarks for achievement at ages 7,11 and 14 , appeared at first to have similar implications .
8 Short-term contract working in its traditional form has not been a subject of substantial political or academic concern , but questions have been asked as to whether the " new " short-term contract working in manufacturing is displacing regular working or undermining the conditions of the regular labour force .
9 I think the bottom line of this issue , frankly , is that the U S er attorney the governmental er investigating authorities in this matter have had this information at their disposal for several years now , had there been any question of G Tec 's behaviour er we would certainly be the subject of something that we are not right now , and that the bottom line is we have been assured from the outset that G Tec has not been a subject of this investigation , that G Tec 's behaviour has been above reproach , and as far as his comments go we we do n't really know what context to put them in .
10 So it has no official status whatsoever and has not been a subject of consideration by the County Council .
11 The adjudicator , C. Jordan , had not been a member of the Academy when the problem was originally posed , and it seems from his official report that he was not apprised of Smith 's priority .
12 Serrano had not been a member of the Falange prior to 1937 , but he had been a close personal friend of José Antonio Primo de Rivera and , after the war , became a fervent advocate of his ideas .
13 Thanks to DDT there has not been a case of locally-transmitted malaria in Sicily since the early 1960s .
14 ‘ And attracting visitors has not been a priority of the château for a very long time .
15 ‘ Unfortunately , when I have played for England before there has not been a player of his quality or sort in the side .
16 ‘ It 's not been a failure of the organic principle , it 's been a failure of people , ’ says Melville unhappily .
17 There had not been a meeting of the accident investigation division for fifteen years and there had been a great deal of development in the civil aviation scene in the intervening period , so a meeting was called in Montreal in January and February of that year .
18 Wycliffe suspected that the encounter between Fox and Clarence had not been a meeting of kindred souls .
19 Enterprise 's managing director Ted Tuppen defended the supply deal , saying that it had not been a condition of the sale that Enterprise take its beers from Bass .
20 Until now this has not been a matter of overwhelming importance because there was provision for appeals to the LEA against the governors ' findings .
21 As I have made clear , for some time the question of recognising Yugoslav republics , especially Croatia and Slovenia , has not been a matter of principle — clearly they will not be willing to go back into any entity called Yugoslavia .
22 It has demonstrated impressive institutional continuity ; it has not been the subject of serious attacks by the executive .
23 When buying extended works , the collector should make sure that they have not been the subject of depredations of this nature .
24 George Braque has not been the subject of a major exhibition in Switzerland for over thirty years but Jean-Louis Prat , director of the Fondation Pierre Gianadda , is remedying the situation .
25 However , the reasons for selecting these cut-off points has not been the subject of debate .
26 But this issue has not been the subject of legislation , nor previously been considered by this court or the House of Lords , and in such circumstances the alternatives are either to dismiss the appeal despite the relevance of article 10 and wait for Parliament to reconsider the state of the law ; or , as the courts have from time to time demonstrated their ability and willingness to do , venture into relatively unchartered waters and declare the present state of the law .
27 Julia found herself wanting to get to know her better , quite certain by then that whatever there had been between Suvarov and Felicity while his first wife was alive it had not been the kind of affair David had assumed .
28 During the meeting Brooke reportedly expressed the dismay of the UK government at these refusals , and reported on progress with unionist parties on the possibility of talks on devolution , while Collins said that the recent judgments on extradition had not been the responsibility of the Irish government .
29 That has not been the attitude of David Houghton or his group , and they are to be congratulated for that .
30 Since the picnic , the young man by the river had joined her twice ; she herself , interestingly , had not been the Helen of today but her own younger self and indeed not even that — some other girl who was both alien and deeply familiar , a doppelgänger , a mirror-Helen .
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