Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [verb] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 The autonomy granted to the Atlantic coast was only in its early stages , but that too was an acknowledgement that everything could not be run directly from Managua .
2 The character of the Northern Region can not be understood apart from its industrial history and the same holds for the Tyneside conurbation and the two locales which are the subject of this study .
3 The ILP was so worried by this possibility that it eventually disassociated itself from calls for dockers to boycott coal and oil shipments to Italy for fear that ‘ working-class sanctions ’ could not be distinguished publicly from League sanctions and would help to create a psychology for war against Italy . ’
4 The two elements can not be divorced : the soul can not be saved separately from the body .
5 For no matter how much it is objected that it can not be stated definitely from these considerations just what the thing is like according to its nature , but only what it is like in respect to one thing or to another , it may still be said what there is in it which makes it appear to be this in respect to one thing and that in respect to another ; and consequently it may be said both to be one thing according to its nature and to be this or that in respect to other things .
6 Much as in 1980–1 , the ‘ social causes ’ argument can not be seen separately from the broader debate about the future of the British economy and society .
7 This is not to say that the general design of the accompaniment can not be conceived right from the start , as a fairly well-defined mental image .
8 Part of the overall argument of this book is that , as the Roman catholic church is principal validator or legitimator of the Southern state along with the concept of the national entity , what that state goes on to do in the field of social ethics can not be separated out from the responsibilities of the church .
9 But in that case the very idea of the postman 's work occurring in isolation is incoherent since , as a matter of logic , it can not be separated off from a whole range of activities beyond itself .
10 However , these resources can not be viewed separately from the meanings and values attached to them by the individual .
11 Skills can not be transferred directly from a trainer to a trainee , the function of the trainer is to provide conditions and guidelines which will facilitate learning .
12 I hope , like Zen , that it gives people the feeling that they need not be cut off from the great intellectual and philosophical questions .
13 We have seen that Locke agrees that some things which we know , such as that all numbers are even or odd , could not be learnt directly from experience , and that he explains that he never meant otherwise , for what experience gives us is not knowledge itself , but its materials in the form of ideas .
14 It is therefore possible for a defendant in a negligence action to raise a defence of volenti non fit injuria , but consent to the risk in question can not be inferred merely from the other party 's knowledge of the purported exclusion .
15 The performance has to be convincing , or they will not be lured away from the vulnerable nest or young .
16 Therefore they can not be picked up from water supplied , swimming pools , buildings or factories .
17 In these circumstances , it is crucial for the reader twenty-five years later , faced with these sixteen documents , to be able to apply principles of evaluation ; but these principles should not be drawn extraneously from some private viewpoint or ideology , but instead drawn intrinsically from the Council 's own experience and the immediate aftermath of implementation .
18 MONEY should not be drawn down from members of the Gooda Walker syndicates at Lloyd 's of London ‘ in the face of breach of trust allegations and maybe fraud ’ in Syndicate 290 , said Michael Burton QC in court yesterday .
19 Human worth can not be found apart from God
20 On the other hand , economics could not be excluded entirely from Council sessions .
21 People do give support to their kin but they do so in a way which is patchy , possibly idiosyncratic , and which certainly can not be predicted simply from knowing how they are related to each other .
22 It was the only thing I owned , the only thing which could not be taken away from me .
23 The Clark 's Yard Traders Association welcomed the proposals but stressed the need for a variety of shops so trade would not be taken away from existing cafes .
24 As Italy 's financial year closes at the end of the calendar year and money can not be held over from one year to the next , there is not enough time to distribute and use such funds as have been allocated .
25 But camapigners insist that if they are to trust the aircraft information must not be held back from them .
26 He opposes this view , by arguing that Hardy 's so-called lapses of style can not be considered apart from a more general consideration of his strengths and weaknesses as a novelist .
27 This question can not be considered separately from the issue of how ‘ needs ’ for different kinds of support vary between generations and , for an individual , across a lifetime , and how both of these vary historically .
28 In Chapter One , it was stressed that crime can not be considered aside from its social context , that it is dependent on society defining certain actions as criminal , and on the reaction of others to such actions .
29 The TRW curve can not be derived mathematically from the L s curve which has formed the basis of our analysis of both the classical and Keynesian models of the labour market .
30 Two-year-old Lady would not be coaxed away from Jimmy Seymour 's van , so he had to keep the engine ticking over with the heaters full-on for eight hours while the bitch gave birth to eight healthy pups .
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