Example sentences of "[not/n't] that i [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One has to try and explain what it is we are about and why we 're doing it and , if necessary , perhaps point out a few distinctions that may exist , for instance , between the professional and the amateur scene , not that I like using those words because I think they 're fraught with all sort of potential misunderstandings .
2 Not that I like walking around with music blasting anyway , I 'd rather listen to the birds .
3 Not that I 've seen anyone .
4 Not that I 've seen .
5 Not that I 've noticed .
6 Not that I 've heard . ’
7 Not that I 've suffered , really .
8 One wrote that and then said , ‘ It 's not that I 've got anything against my husband , it 's just he 's pig ignorant . ’ ’
9 Not that I 've got anything against them personally .
10 I want to know that someone out there cares for me , not that I 've got no one or nothing .
11 Not that I 've got anything against Sue 's family , mind .
12 Not that I 've got anything against babies .
13 Not that I 've got anything at all against them getting out and about a bit now , ’ he added hurriedly , not wanting another Grimma on his hands .
14 He does n't act like a father , not that I 've got much to go on , remembering mine .
15 you got anything special offer this week mate not that I 've got any money to buy anything oh I have n't turned the grill right off
16 well I 'm sorry but from where I 'm looking at it sixty two but not that I 've thought about it in any depth but
17 It 's not that I 've come on my own because it 's something that is seen as just my problem , because as I said , Tom does n't seem that interested either .
18 Erm Well not that I 've come across yet I 'd rather do something that 's getting the facts and then giving examples .
19 Not that I 've had much chance to do anything for him .
20 Not that I mean to make her sound like some latter-day Anne Frank , of course . ’
21 But I decided to give my countryman a chance , not that I 'd moved four thousand miles to be shown around London by a fellow American , and a hick from the provinces to boot .
22 Not that I 'd done a lot towards it even if she listened to me .
23 Not that I 'd told them about Chris , but they 'd suspected .
24 Not that I had deserted .
25 It was not that I had abandoned the political book : it was that the mounting gravity of current events had turned my interests from theory to practice .
26 Not that I regretted taking on the responsibilities , but it meant shelving any dreams I 'd had . ’
27 Not that I meant to imply that that 's why Emma — that you were ’ He gestured helplessly , the sentence impossible to retrieve now .
28 Not that I wish to say , he wrote , that everything is inevitable , on the contrary , I wish to assert emphatically that nothing is inevitable and nothing was inevitable , neither what I did nor what I thought , neither what I felt nor what I suffered , yet everything was necessary , a necessary beginning and necessary Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) is misleading , since it was only after I had begun that I knew I had begun , while before I had begun , before the 27 July 1967 , there was no beginning , as there was no end , there was no time and there was no freedom from time , only endless cups of coffee , endless cups of tea , endless biscuits and endless bacon sandwiches .
29 ‘ It 's not that I mind wasting my time , it 's just that I like to know that I 'm wasting my time . ’
30 It 's not that I want to die , but I just want to get out of my mind ’ .
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