Example sentences of "[not/n't] for [pron] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They must play a major part in developing , using and controlling the new technology , not for their own benefit , but for the sake of the children they teach .
2 Woolf argues for improvements in prisons , not for their own sake , but because ‘ to treat prisoners in a way which is likely to leave them in an embittered and disaffected state on their release ’ will naturally lead to ‘ a deterioration in the ability of the prisoner to operate effectively and lawfully in society ’ .
3 All too often , shrubs , including roses , conifers and the like , are planted not for their intrinsic beauty , not for an attractive combination of colour , but because they do not need so much looking after as plants that have to be lifted before the frost , and replanted fresh each year' .
4 The people who work with Ingrid are carefully chosen , not for their formal training ( apart from Deirdre , none of them has any ) but for their eye .
5 In January 1801 he wrote to Charles James Fox , the Leader of the Whig Opposition , enclosing the two volumes of Lyrical Ballads , and asking him to read Michael and The Brothers , not for their poetic merit but because they illustrate ‘ the weakening of the bonds of domestic feeling among the poor ’ .
6 Unlike the damaged narcissists , with their compensations of spurious glory or morbidly melodramatized misery , the new pop workers want attention not for themselves , not for their make-believe world , but for what they have to say about the outside world .
7 Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that are required not for their calorific value , which is negligible , but because they help regulate the body 's metabolism .
8 Sinead O'Connor should be congratulated for her stand ( what the hell does Bob Dylan do these days ? ) against church hypocrisy but not for her recent album which is , to be frank , boring .
9 Though we threaten her with a headline reading ‘ Real Labour candidates do n't eat muesli ’ she insists that it 's not for her own consumption .
10 She would have to exert her will and fight against the pain-consuming darkness , if not for her own sake , then for theirs .
11 Art of a purpose , not for its own sake , was his rubric .
12 Not for its own sake , naturally , but because apart from any useful function that may be fulfilled , it encourages a proper disregard of Self .
13 The Formalists evaluate literary form for its perceptibility and not for its mimetic capacity .
14 Not for them chirpy whelk stall amateurism or cheerful under-achieving .
15 Not for him Classical decoration hung on utilitarian steel or concrete frames .
16 Not for his personal use : the tetracycline , the methadone — it all finds its way back to the pharmacy at AMS .
17 Johnson admired Boece , not for his historical accuracy , but for his prose and intellectual style , ‘ formed with great diligence upon ancient models , and wholly uninfected with monastic barbarity ’ .
18 One of my favourite species is the bream , not for his superior fighting power , for he does not test my tackle to any great degree , but because he tests my thinking power to the limit .
19 I went into the dome car and stood behind the bar with the bartender , and felt furious with Sheridan , not for his outrageous behaviour but because he was getting me noticed .
20 This was because the terms of the contract between seller and buyer made it clear that the buyer in re-selling the goods was doing so , not for his own account , but as agent for , and on account of , the seller .
21 She would not have the heart to do it , were it not for his own good .
22 ‘ That 's why I 'm on the run , not for my own benefit .
23 Edwin , I would be utterly desolate were it not for my faithful companion here .
24 Not for your own use I hasten to add !
25 Not for your damned benefit !
26 Peace reigns at last though , and everything in the smouldering remains of the garden would be rosy if it were n't for one little problem .
27 And she might have been able to deal with the situation — might , indeed , have been able to suppress and finally bury such an errant emotion — if it were n't for her present situation .
28 Something that she would have grasped , if it were n't for her own stupidity .
29 In the car , on the homeward journey , Cassie found herself reflecting , as she glanced covertly at his profile and at the thin hands lightly gripping the steering wheel … those same brown and capable hands that had figured so prominently in her earlier fantasies … that he would make the perfect lover , if it were n't for his apparent indifference to women ; and perhaps , also , to having sex ; although this last was only an assumption .
30 And him with nothing to his name if it were n't for my late mistress ! ’
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