Example sentences of "[not/n't] go to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We felt that if she was going to turn on those sort of tactics we were not going to be gentlemanly about it , and that she should just get on and do the job . ’
2 I 'm not going to be sure wheth whether an acid and a carbonate
3 At the moment profits are not going to be vast in the shops , but we believe this is a huge market . ’
4 Vitor might be her weak spot , but she was not going to be weak .
5 I only hoped , as the sun sank lower and the breeze grew cool , that I was not going to be obliged to use it .
6 Erm but we wo n't , well we 're not going to be descriptive , we 're not going to ask say that you must wear suits or you must whatever .
7 Most vets work on the assumption that if , after the third session , no improvement is noticed , acupuncture is not going to be effective .
8 It was not going to be long , I reflected , before I made my contribution to discussions in 24 Stranraer Gardens via a Ouija board .
9 If your support piling is not going to be visible when installed , why not consider materials other than wood .
10 Solutions to the Ferranti crisis are not going to be easy to find despite the way in which the company has been inundated with offers of help .
11 I was not only able to review social security , I had the opportunity as a politician of implementing the changes — always provided I could get the support of my colleagues , of course , and that was not going to be easy .
12 But it was not going to be easy ; some few years after Malmesbury 's comments another accredited diplomat noted à propos of an evening at the Tuileries :
13 Getting the best from all three sounds is not going to be easy or cheap .
14 Trying to knock Tuffers off his England perch in India is not going to be easy .
15 ‘ Next year is not going to be easy financially , ’ he said .
16 Breaking the traditional mould of teacher training is not going to be easy .
17 It is not going to be easy .
18 Commissioner for Agriculture it became clear to him that the task ahead was not going to be easy .
19 It was not going to be easy to get any other candidate , and it was at the same time impossible to let the seat go by default .
20 Alice could see that it was not going to be easy for any of them to admit obligation to Jasper , even though he was being correctly impersonal , sitting somewhat to one side of the scene waiting for their approval , the image of a responsible cadre .
21 The point of our discussion of them so far is that the attempt to rebut scepticism by constructing an anti-realist alternative to the realism espoused by the sceptic is not going to be easy , even if it is possible .
22 It 's not going to be easy to convince him . ’
23 Therese said , ‘ Life is not going to be easy for them , an artist 's sons .
24 Since Isabella speaks no German , letting rip this torrent is not going to be easy for her .
25 It 's not going to be easy .
26 ‘ It 's not going to be easy .
27 Now it 's not going to be easy for the girl , so I hope you will give her all the support you can .
28 One way or the other , the task she had set herself was not going to be easy !
29 It was not going to be easy , working here under the icy wash of Rourke 's disapproval .
30 From the start I knew that finding Domitila Barrios de Chungara and Higon Cussi was not going to be easy .
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