Example sentences of "[not/n't] all of [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He cited several reasons , not all of which perhaps would be accepted by your average credit manager .
2 Privatization can , of course , mean many things , not all of which necessarily run together .
3 Indirect Rule , then , had several ‘ meanings ’ , not all of them logically compatible with each other , but there was one thing about it which was entirely clear : the conception of government underlying it was a highly charismatic one .
4 No , Crawford , that was the name of the host ; she could distinctly remember Justin mentioning it before they 'd arrived here ; it was his wife who had invited them all — well , not all of them exactly , just Justin — ‘ Because she likes them young , ’ Justin had informed them , as they 'd piled into his old banger of a car .
5 Such advice came from a number of sources , not all of them well informed .
6 Yet if not all of them necessarily regarded Cnut with disfavour on his accession , it is likely that there were quarters in which he had to face considerable initial hostility .
7 No , it 's not one of those it 's not all of them though , look there 's a whole be more than that wo n't there ?
8 Er not all of them still existed , erm and three of the ponds , eleven o of the eleven ponds erm referred to in the erm three of them were in gardens . .
9 I did so erm partly because this seems the most useful approach for an audience , not all of whom perhaps have read in detail the fifteen volumes of À la Recherche du Temps Perdu , erm and partly because he in fact offers a very interesting challenge , I think , at this precise level .
10 She had n't really believed it herself , not all of it anyway ; so when her mother started telling her that what Davy Treffry had said was more or less true , she wanted to put her hands over her ears and not listen ; she did n't want to know about the argument there had been between her father and her Uncle Harry ; she did n't want to hear about how they picked their wives by some silly fishing competition .
11 It has n't been the most memorable of summers : let's hope the autumn brings more positive energy ( and not all of it chemically induced )
12 As the centuries passed , the seeds already sown produced much fruit , not all of it necessarily palatable to the now multifarious churches or to theology .
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