Example sentences of "a fairly [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When everything was finished , when our beloved planet assumed a fairly habitable look , motorists appeared on the scene … note that the automobile itself was invented by pedestrians but somehow the motorists forgot that very quickly .
2 The aircraft at Wellesbourne Mountford , under its new ownership might well be a suitable candidate and a fairly accessible location for public viewing .
3 We have evidence that booty was divided among the troops as a fairly regular method of reward ; during the conquest of the Avars , there was even sufficient loot to send gifts to distant Mercia in England .
4 With financial help from the British Government , Imperial Airways was established in 1924 , providing a fairly regular service for private passengers , to various parts of the world .
5 Half of all the records since 1947 have been for the period mid-February to mid-April , particularly March , with 30 per cent. , which suggests that there is a fairly regular , although small , spring movement through the county .
6 Although not infrequently recorded in the 19th century , when it was possibly a fairly regular winter visitor , only six were recorded between 1900 and 1929 , and there has been only one since , at Selsey Bill on 30 July 1961 .
7 Face packs are a fairly regular part of our beauty routine but how about a hair pack ?
8 In the middle of the nineteenth century it was discovered that the highs and lows of sunspot activity recur over a fairly regular cycle of 11 years .
9 Grieving for a person is hard physical work , following a fairly regular set of stages ( Parkes , 1986 ) .
10 They seemed to keep up a fairly regular speed and , although it was bumpy , she 's sure they did n't climb any steep hills in a low gear .
11 I noted from Gergiev 's conducting CV that he had n't escaped the grip of the Union of Composers : the works or its secretary- general , the ogre-figure of Tikhon Khrennikov who had been behind the 1948 denunciations of Prokofiev and Shostakovich , are a fairly regular feature .
12 Thus , " in shells of N.lapillus var. imbricata the external sculpturing consists of a series of lamellar corrugations laid down in a fairly regular sequence parallel to the growing edge of the shell which , where they overlap the spiral ridges , are raised to form thin vaulted scales " ( Largen , 1971 ) .
13 This review process needs to be carried out on a fairly regular basis , perhaps every six months , and it should include looking at the current state of the market to see if there are any new developments that can be applied .
14 Some predators might also have a fairly regular path and type of approach , as well as an individual hunting style .
15 Whenever there were parties , which were a fairly regular occurrence with twenty five staff and no other form of entertainment , Eva Burrows was always " tile centre of happenings ' .
16 To be honest he 's a fairly regular visitor ; he 's a lonely man and we have things in common . ’
17 " She has been a fairly regular correspondent , " Matthew laughed .
18 Erm , we 're meeting er on a fairly regular basis with them , to see if we can seek some solution .
19 Well you see I sit down on a I sit down on a fairly regular basis with now and try to give her direction and er point out , and I do make the point , about every time and , right ?
20 It 's a rolling dynamic plan it 's not just an annual plan and it 's updated hopefully on a fairly regular basis .
21 One , I think one of the tasks that you find branch managers doing on a fairly regular basis is collecting cardboard .
22 He argues that , even though fluctuations around a country 's equilibrium growth path are likely to be damped , random disturbances will be continually occurring to stop the equilibrium path from being achieved and to maintain the cyclical variations in a fairly regular pattern .
23 I mean in the periods that I 've been coming down and coming over , and it 's been a fairly regular basis , I should imagine every manager and director or university employee has put forward every conceivable way in which that particular building could be used .
24 I think at least some of the representatives — the head boy and girl and deputy head boy of Priory School , and some of the people from Ringmer School and so on — at least have contact now on a fairly regular basis with local councillors , local council officials and so on .
25 I think it 's been successful in trying to break down barriers a bit , and I think at least some of the representatives erm the head boy and girl and deputy head boy and girl at Priory School and some of the people from Rings School and so on at least have contact now on a fairly regular basis with local councillors , local council officials and so on .
26 However they can hear me but they ca n't hear you so that 's no no no we 've had a fairly usual frank and honest er discussion .
27 Since this is a fairly complex matter , professional advice is essential .
28 He managed to put over a fairly complex argument in a brilliantly simple way . ’
29 The patterns of subject specialization shown above suggest that a fairly complex process is taking place .
30 Having introduced the reader to a fairly complex canonic structure we must move on , listing only a few main canonic usages as a reminder : canons at the unison , octave , and transposed ; canon by inversion and canon by retrograde and inverted retrograde ; canon cancrizans ( mirrored canon as in Example 137 ) ; canons by diminution and augmentation .
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