Example sentences of "a job [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And despite the Ramblers ' Association suggestion of management etc , we have not made too good a job of protecting other wilderness areas open to the public .
2 The impression persists , that the only life he had lived is , in fact , the literary , and , admitting its necessity to our fathers , especially to him who had such a job of clearing to do , I take it a fault .
3 The rates should not be compared with those for , say , 16-year-old school-leavers ; what we are really measuring is difficulty in finding a graduate-level job , not difficulty in finding a job of any sort .
4 When one views the subsequent history of Vietnam , and Indonesia , however , it does not seem extravagant to claim that Mountbatten could hardly have made as bad a job of it if he had been left to his own devices .
5 His job as Prince of Wales , after all , was simply a job of waiting and preparing to become sovereign .
6 ‘ I am to be questioned and interfered with and hounded , not to be left , doing a job of work the way I choose , a necessary job , a job our sister has made tediously inevitable , a job the result of which may save us from potential disgrace , even if we can not go so far as to expect it to improve our situation out of all recognition .
7 The British electorate — we have rolled forward to Friday — has opted for change and made a job of it , sweeping the Natural Law Party into power .
8 Considering the numbers involved , you have done a job of work which has had a most telling effect on the enemy and which , I fully believe , no other troops in the world could have done .
9 From then on it was just a job of work to be done .
10 One friend was Randolph Churchill , who had come out to Cairo originally with Layforce and had then been given a job of liaison with the press .
11 In James Callaghan 's famous speech at Ruskin College , Oxford , in October 1976 , from which the Great Debate emerged , he spoke of a school curriculum which would aim ‘ to equip children … for a lively , constructive place in society , and also fit them for a job of work ’ .
12 Whether or not you can reasonably be expected to take a job of a different kind or at a lower rate of pay will depend upon the circumstances .
13 The librarian 's job is a job of management of information-bearing objects , and the continually improved performance of that necessary job is a natural and reasonable goal for the future .
14 E. Making motor vehicles — cars , lorries and buses — is largely a job of assembling many different parts together .
15 A young woman with large breasts paraded them across a football field and immediately got a job of modelling double-breasted clothes .
16 If there were no need for sheltered workshops because disabled people were fully integrated into ‘ normal ’ society , then it would be a gain ; but if , as I suspect , in these hard times it is impossible for many severely disabled people to get a job of any sort , surely the lack of opportunity to go to work is a loss — even if the kind of work they do is far from ideal .
17 Having developed such plant-specific skills , a worker will not be in a position to find a job of equivalent pay elsewhere , and so this factor , too , ‘ integrates ’ the worker into the plant , in the sense Mallet uses the term .
18 I 'm here to do a job of work and if dressing conservatively and ignoring his attempts at seductive banter are what it takes to remind him of the fact , so be it . ’
19 There was no one except herself to protect the poor children , and she had n't made much of a job of it .
20 It was a job of the utmost precision , and even a large-scale blow-up might not reveal that it was not genuine .
21 These people are specifically given a job of making sure that the rules are obeyed and they have never accused us of doing anything wrong .
22 Originally it had been built on the usual pattern , a tiny square hallway , with doors to either side leading into the two ‘ front ’ rooms , and a steep enclosed stair up to the twin bedrooms under the pitch of the roof But someone , fairly recently , had done a job of conversion ; the two downstairs rooms were thrown into one , with the staircase half dividing them .
23 He , and other OSF plaudits , are concerned that Unix System Labs Inc is doing too good a job of attracting the limelight .
24 Like most Birkbeck students , he was obliged to support himself by working at a job of some kind .
25 It was decided by the authorities that the building of the dam across the valley was a ‘ regrettable necessity ’ — but they determined to make as satisfactory a job of it as they could .
26 I thought to myself , Computers are in danger of making people furious , but the theatre as a job of work might be just the meat . ’
27 As one of McLaughlin 's respondents , who had been caring for her mother for seven years , pointed out : ‘ Well that really is a nonsense because the amount it is at the moment compared to anybody that 's had the chance of a full-time job , you 're talking of £24 as opposed to a job of about £98 ’ ( McLaughlin , 1991 , p. 48 ) .
28 Oh aye , I like , I like getting something that 's a bit of a mess and being able to make a job of it and
29 Wyatt made a job of it and is now Head Warden of the Lake District National Park .
30 While my mother attempted to sort out our family finances — no easy matter with the capital , La Paz , virtually divorced from all communication — I took on a job of work for Porua .
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