Example sentences of "a feeling [that] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , was there not a feeling that , first through illness and then through his premature demise , he had been supplanted in his rights ( through ‘ natural ’ causation , we emphasise ) , much as Jacob supplanted Esau 's rights so many centuries ago ( through devious schemes ) .
2 I have in my memory a feeling that we had satisfied ourselves that international law would be obeyed . ’
3 Once you get working with industry , there 's a feeling that industry must pay for everything .
4 This year 's talks come in the wake of a regeneration among unions and a feeling that industrial action — following the rail strikes early in the summer — can pay .
5 Concern about our motives in doing the research was combined with a feeling that it would do those participating in it little good , but would certainly benefit those in the police management and outside who wanted to do them harm .
6 I left the old Frenchman still puffing away at his pipe and returned through the village to the orchard next to Brigade H.Q I had a feeling that I would not see the French family again .
7 He had a feeling that the Archbishop of Canterbury was now too powerful in the Church ; that he and the other bishops were more like sheep as they sat saying yes to what Canterbury suggested .
8 The mobilizing style has a greater appeal when there is dissatisfaction with the status quo and a feeling that new policies are required .
9 There is a feeling that if the wording were changed to ‘ seeking to interfere with play ’ it would spare the player who is in an offside position but making a genuine attempt to stay onside by , for example , running back towards the halfway line .
10 It had not been a response to an immediate military threat , but rather to something fundamentalist and almost intuitive — a feeling that Britain must possess so climacteric a weapon in order to deter an atomically armed enemy , a feeling that Britain as a great power must acquire all major new weapons , a feeling that atomic weapons were a manifestation of the scientific and technological superiority on which Britain 's strength , so deficient in sheer numbers of men , must depend .
11 It had not been a response to an immediate military threat , but rather to something fundamentalist and almost intuitive — a feeling that Britain must possess so climacteric a weapon in order to deter an atomically armed enemy , a feeling that Britain as a great power must acquire all major new weapons , a feeling that atomic weapons were a manifestation of the scientific and technological superiority on which Britain 's strength , so deficient in sheer numbers of men , must depend .
12 It had not been a response to an immediate military threat , but rather to something fundamentalist and almost intuitive — a feeling that Britain must possess so climacteric a weapon in order to deter an atomically armed enemy , a feeling that Britain as a great power must acquire all major new weapons , a feeling that atomic weapons were a manifestation of the scientific and technological superiority on which Britain 's strength , so deficient in sheer numbers of men , must depend .
13 Whether or not they support Saddam Hussein 's call for a holy war , there is a feeling that Islam should be solid for Iraq .
14 The trick is to find a way of giving the Europeans enough of a feeling that they can pursue security policies of their own without at the same time forming a European defence association that would drive the Americans away .
15 A feeling that I was horribly conspicuous made me wish to hide myself .
16 At team meetings anyone was welcome to have his say , thereby building cohesion and a feeling that everyone belonged to the unit .
17 Now , increasingly , there is a feeling that things are hopelessly out of control .
18 Aunt Louise greeted me with a kiss , and there was a feeling that I was the guest of some great lady in exile .
19 Nor could I shake off a feeling that Aunt Louise was sitting beside me , enjoying it too .
20 There was a feeling that Mill House might just be coming out of the doldrums : he had won his last race , beating his solitary rival at Sandown Park for the princely sum of £426 , and appeared to be coming back to his old self .
21 There was a smell of coffee in the air and a feeling that every room had only just been vacated by somebody .
22 I 've got a feeling that the Author is waiting all the time in that house in the woods for His own character to turn up . ’
23 There was a feeling that something was in the air , that it was the lull before the storm .
24 This is an extension of ‘ Did I really hear it right ? ’ but moves on from there , to a feeling that unless they see the evidence then they ca n't or wo n't believe it .
25 We may be handling a horse and get a feeling that we are in tune with the horse and that it is accepting and even anticipating whatever we want to do : we are in rapport with the horse , and are communicating with the horse but in a way that is not through the other senses .
26 What irritates me about Vienna is a certain not-quite-definable smugness , a feeling that somehow this place feels itself to be the centre .
27 I have a feeling that this will be our last meeting . ’
28 ‘ I accept partial blame but I have a feeling that history will treat me kindly because there was nothing wrong with my basic thesis .
29 This weekend it is possible to sense a feeling that they can do no more .
30 There would be suspicions among Unionists of a Labour government 's agenda and a feeling that the Nationalist SDLP would be given too much influence .
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