Example sentences of "['s] [adj -est] [noun] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 One of the new-look business 's greatest successes proved to be its Food Courts , where up to five takeaway counters open on to a central , supervised seating area .
2 As he listened with mounting alarm he began to realise that the flames would almost certainly have reduced some of the world 's finest baroque woodcarving to lumps of featureless charcoal .
3 A poll of 173 of the world 's largest companies led to the conclusion that environmental expenditure would rise from 2.1 per cent of sales revenue to 3.3 per cent by the year 2000 .
4 THE COCKNEY Rejects were Morrissey 's worst nightmare brought to life .
5 THE COCKNEY Rejects were Morrissey 's worst nightmare brought to life .
6 Europe 's boldest festival offered to enlightenment .
7 But though the oldest evidence for maize in Mexico dates back 5,300 years , Dr Piperno 's earliest phytoliths fell to the ground ( or , rather , blew into a lake ) around 7,000 years ago .
8 1992 's biggest farm sells to English buyer
9 In the years that followed , Mary 's eldest daughter went to Bible college to train for the mission field .
10 White and a graduate student , Gen Suwa , amalgamated the talus ( ankle ) , metatarsal heads , and calcaneus ( heel ) of a 1–8 million-year-old foot from Homo habitis at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania — Lucy 's closest relative according to White — with large phalanges ( toes ) from Hadar , and the toe extremities of a chimpanzee .
11 Portsmouth 's best chance fell to the talented Anderton , but the advancing Nixon and the covering Nolan averted the danger after he was put through by Beresford .
12 Derby 's best chance fell to Mick Forsyth after a mistake by Dave Holdsworth , but Watford goalkeeper Perry Suckling made a great save .
13 Liverpool 's best chance fell to Michael Thomas after 47 minutes , but his close range shot was deflected agonisingly wide .
14 It was a dull second half by comparison ; Oxford 's best chance falling to John Durnin .
15 The test of what is in a child 's best interests refers to general societal values , rather than the views of the particular parent or legal guardian .
16 Prize winner for this month 's BEST LETTER goes to Robert Watson 's ‘ TV DISCOURTESY ’ ( see below ) ; why are music lovers , hooked by anonymous music accompanying a TV programme or film , kept in the dark ?
17 Apart from more space , the hens ' highest priority seems to be a nest .
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