Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My role as a lawyer within the company means that my work is directly linked to the development of the company 's activities and encompasses everything from handling acquisitions and disposals to advising on minor matters on an ad-hoc basis , and problem solving for the company .
2 ( 6 ) In August 1983 the third defendant claimed from C.M.C. a commission of £16,000 for himself and £8,000 for Highdene in respect of certain commercial arrangements , not involving the bakery , negotiated between C.M.C. and B.M.T. It is said that this claim led the other directors of C.M.C. to investigate the third defendant 's activities and to dismiss him as a director of C.M.C. ( 7 ) Between May and July 1983 the third defendant caused the first plaintiff to sign in blank some cheques drawn on C.M.C. 's bank account by fraudulently representing that these cheques would be used to pay small and urgent bills of C.M.C. It is said that in fact the third defendant used six of these cheques to pay to himself and certain other parties sums amounting to about £30,000 , allegedly in connection with the financing of the centre .
3 At the same time this differentiation acts as agent of effective phrasing by tellingly setting off the two heterogeneous themes from one another provided the director is aware of Mozart 's signs and interprets them correctly with greater sharpness for the strokes .
4 The Court emphasised the importance of that element of the English practice that entrusts the execution of an order to the plaintiff 's solicitors and requires them to give a series of undertakings as to the manner of execution and the use made of the information or documents obtained .
5 Further , when acting for the buyer of a leasehold property there will probably be a covenant in the lease to register all transfers , mortgages and other dispositions with the lessor 's solicitors and to pay them a fee prescribed for such registration .
6 They assault the sense , savage the palate , ravage one 's innards and announce themselves in loud , pungent terms so that one gets wind of them long before one catches sight of them .
7 Mrs Kirkley ate one of Millie 's buns and praised it highly ; and after Annabel had eaten one , and then asked if she might have another , her mother exclaimed in mock sternness , ‘ Oh !
8 Because she was staying at home with her father Eva had the task of sorting out her mother 's possessions and sharing them with the family .
9 Since many of the evangelicals shared Billy Graham 's opinions and valued his methods and saw the good which he did , his article stirred wrath among them and fear about the Bishop of Durham becoming the Archbishop of York .
10 In 1815 , during the making of the Vienna settlement , both the Russian and the Habsburg ambassadors in London tried to use British newspapers to arouse opposition to Castlereagh 's policies and weaken his position in the negotiations .
11 ‘ This crap , ’ Laura took the book from Rex 's fingers and struck it with the back of her hand .
12 She bit Doyle 's fingers and jerked her mouth free of them , shouting the words that came into her head .
13 In Alcuin 's opinion , part of Eanbald 's trouble arose because he received the king 's enemies and protected their possessions and because he was involved in seizing the lands of others .
14 First , it deliberately sets out to extend the North 's horizons and raise its sights , believing thus that is internal vision will expand .
15 According to officers stationed at Darlington , the silent majority now support Mr Thompson 's plans and believe they could even speed response times to house fires in the town .
16 He was transferred in 1853 to the prefectorate of the Department of the Seine , which included Paris , and he remained there until 1870 ; for the whole of this period he remained the Emperor 's man , charged with executing his master 's projects and doing them quickly .
17 Then she took the willow twig , laid it across the bull 's withers and secured it in place with a rope tied firmly beneath the soft folds of flesh on the underside of the neck .
18 When it became known that the Government had said it could not afford to honour Nelson 's wishes and help her out , the tradesmen to whom she still owed money closed in .
19 The sale proceeds will be used to pay off Heywood Williams 's debts and give it net cash of £65 million to fund expansion .
20 It had been deepest at the moment just inside the Bleech-Palmer front door when , as always , Daphne set her plump hands on Cecilia 's shoulders and lifted her lips to Cecilia 's cheek .
21 The choice of McLeish as captain will , Roxburgh believes , remove an unwanted , additional pressure from McStay 's shoulders and let him be the midfield schemer who orchestrates the emphatic victory essential to Scotland 's progress .
22 The grain was too complex and cross for him , the blade stuck , and in the same instant Isambard stretched both arms over the boy 's shoulders and seized his hands , forcing them apart and wringing them until he twisted with pain and let go both the knife and the wood .
23 Ruth thought her aunt would have sat up all night to prolong the time with them , but her uncle — who had tried bravely all day to behave as though nothing untoward was happening — put his arms around his wife 's shoulders and led her away to bed .
24 Kathleen put her arm round the man 's shoulders and led him in .
25 ‘ I 'm showing Melanie the neighbourhood , ’ said Finn , clutching his sister 's shoulders and rocking her kneeling form to and fro in an embrace which made her laugh soundlessly until she looked like a young girl .
26 She laid her hands on Peter 's shoulders and kissed him on the cheek .
27 Sleepy and cold in the back of Dada 's slow , unheated monster , Andrew put an arm round Nicandra 's shoulders and pulled her close for warmth and company .
28 Only when they reached Temple Stairs and disembarked did he put one podgy arm round Athelstan 's shoulders and press his face closer to that of the friar .
29 5 The defender grasps the attacker 's shoulders and raises her knee .
30 The father put both hands on his son 's shoulders and pushed him a step or two towards Lucier .
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