Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] be to be " in BNC.

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1 In the mid-1970s , it was seen by the Labour administration as part of a comprehensive strategy towards regional economic and physical development in that the SDA 's activities were to be mirrored in Wales by the Welsh Development Agency ( WDA ) and in England by the National Enterprise Board ( NEB ) .
2 Indeed , the House of Lords expressly approved the earlier judgment in Al Saudi Banque and Others v Clark Pixley ( 1989 ) 3 All ER 361 in which it was held that auditors did not owe a duty of care to a number of banks because it could not be established that the auditors knew either that the company 's accounts were to be shown to the banks or that the banks would rely on them in reaching decisions as lenders .
3 Now the village 's secrets were to be revealed at last .
4 Rhetoric and promises are all right , but if Labour 's pledges are to be honoured , there is no question but that the ordinary taxpayer will be affected — or that some of those pledges will have to be reneged upon .
5 [ Ainslie 's maps are to be found in the Scottish Record Office , National Library of Scotland , and the British Museum . ]
6 Soviets of people 's deputies were to be given the right to distribute land to individuals , to collective and state farms , to institutions and to enterprises .
7 This is a choice between two types of reading , in that one can choose between them on the basis of whether the novel 's contradictions are to be articulated and sustained in the act of reading ( " rhetorically aware " ) or suppressed by the reading ( " aesthetically responsive " ) .
8 The piano works of Igor Stravinsky are not well represented on CD , so the re-issue of Michel Béroff 's recordings is to be welcomed with open arms .
9 If there is a contract of employment , the employee 's obligations were to be determined from the contract .
10 It is commonly accepted that part of a nurse 's functions is to be sensitive to and provide care for the psychological needs of patients , achieved in part through interpersonal relationships .
11 Between 1941 and 1947 , Rank 's companies were to be responsible for financing half the films made in Britain .
12 It is " through faith and patience " that the Bible 's promises are to be obtained .
13 ‘ I think President Premadasa read the signals correctly , and realised that if people 's needs were to be met , media had to be both liberated and liberalised .
14 Clearly if Henry 's protests were to be taken seriously he would have to match his words with deeds .
15 The owner 's initials were to be branded in Sinhala script on the other side .
16 Nevertheless , if the court 's powers are to be meaningful , there must come a point at which the court , while not disregarding the child 's wishes , can override them in the child 's own best interests , objectively considered .
17 If the purchaser 's and the vendor 's accountants are to be involved , and it is strongly recommended that they are , it is imperative that they should be involved as early as possible in negotiating this part of the sale agreement .
18 Now the computer 's resources are to be used to help point the finger at the possible killer of James Bulger .
19 There are no structural changes in the villa itself except that the wall between it and the gamekeeper 's quarters is to be demolished to make a bigger kitchen .
20 The fullest version of Gloucester 's arguments is to be found on the parliament roll of January 1484 and purports to be the petition presented to Gloucester when he was asked to take the throne in June .
21 The fullest version of Gloucester 's arguments is to be found on the parliament roll of January 1484 and purports to be the petition presented to Gloucester when he was asked to take the throne in June .
22 By 1945 that policy had worked , and anyone who still wanted to get lost in mazes like Pound 's Cantos was to be left to pursue his passion like a solitary vice .
23 a set of six principles on which the quality system 's procedures are to be based ;
24 ‘ 1(1) If a child is born disabled as the result of such an occurrence before its birth as is mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) below , and a person ( other than the child 's own mother ) is under this section answerable to the child in respect of the occurrence , the child 's disabilities are to be regarded as damage resulting from the wrongful act of that person and actionable accordingly at the suit of the child .
25 The clause may often say that the expert 's fees are to be borne equally , or in agreed proportions , by the parties , or wholly by one of the parties , or as the expert may direct , or , for instance in the case of share valuation , that the fees are to be borne by the company .
26 All the Louvre 's sculptures are to be moved out of the remote Pavillon de Flore in the south-west wing and rehoused after being divided , for the first time , into French and non-French works .
27 The Report emphasized what had been the Council 's interpretation of its Charter and Statutes from the outset — if the Council 's degrees were to be of comparable standard to those awarded by universities then :
28 AN analysis of organised crime by leading experts on Triads , the Mafia and Hell 's Angels is to be carried out at a conference next week .
29 If Mr Freitag 's estimates were to be accepted the two near neighbours would be paying a difference of up to £250 in their tax .
30 Greenpeace say urgent action is needed if one of the region 's rivers is to be saved from a disasterous level of pollution.The environmental pressure group says the law needs to be changed to stop the discharge of chemicals into rivers .
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