Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Correction by one 's superiors is integral to most forms of organization : in a hierarchical society it is accentuated .
2 Presented with such explicitly racist material and asked to make intellectual sense of it , most people 's reactions are likely to be anchored to positions in which they have an emotional and material stake .
3 I had not felt that trade unionism had yet reached the accountancy profession , but it appears that Mr Marshall 's requests are akin to the worst excesses of the trade union movement .
4 Since every coin bears a mint-name , and most hoards containing Charles 's coins are dateable to within a decade or so , it has been possible to show that the coins circulated rapidly , soon after they were issued .
5 This collective knowledge and experience of many of the world 's experts is available to you if you are prepared to find the appropriate publication and read it .
6 The exchange 's rules are subject to the general statutory checks and balances associated with commercial contracts .
7 you 'll hear , you 'll listen because you want to find out what the other party 's views are relative to where you 're trying to take them .
8 The United Kingdom 's reserves are likely to be empty in forty years even at the current rate of consumption .
9 In psychology , the degree to which an individual 's goals are real to him , as related to his level of aspiration ( his momentary goals ) .
10 The large proportion of schedule 11 cases in the AEC sample contrasts dramatically with the proportion commencing probation nationally in 1988 , that is , 63 per cent of the AEC 's probationers were subject to a day centre requirement compared with only six per cent nationally ; similarly , 31 per cent of the AEC probationers were subject to a specified activity requirement compared with only six per cent nationally ( Home Office , 1990c , p. 46 ) .
11 Again , she did not sleep and for once was glad when Mr Landor called out , cursing the heat and wanting cold , cold water at once — even seeing to the old man 's wants was preferable to lying awake worrying .
12 Philip Aries ' book Centuries of Childhood argues that in Europe 's early history , children 's lives were similar to those of adults .
13 It is easy to assume that such skills will be picked up incidentally , as they will usually be by fully sighted children , who often copy what they see other children doing , especially if a teacher 's directions are unclear to them .
14 It is not only advantageous for us to know which of a horse 's emotions are destructive to us having a good working relationship with it ; but ideally , if we also consider horse will do more for us and give us greater pleasure .
15 In the simple model above each firm must know that the other 's costs are identical to its own , and must know that they have the same beliefs about the market demand function as well as in the credibility of the punishment that would result from a deviation .
16 Heathrow airport 's breakfasts are superior to the catering at Charles de Gaulle airport , in Paris , according to a report today from Egon Ronay , the food critic .
17 As a result , women 's issues are often seen as irrelevant , or at best of low priority , and yet tacking women 's needs is central to improving the status of the most deprived — most of whom are women .
18 In practice , however , Mr Solomon 's ideas are accessible to any businessman .
19 If the transferor 's rights were subject to a third party claim , or if the transferor was not the true owner of the goods shipped , his assignee-endorsee had no better rights than the transferor .
20 Some of the causes of the crisis are familiar to other countries ( although it is typical of the little Englander approach of the federalists in Britain that they assume that Britain 's problems are unique to her ) .
21 He said the factory 's problems were due to lack of sales .
22 In the conceptual case , each example 's properties are supposed to be precise and discrete .
23 Almost all the trust 's properties are open to the public .
24 Electricity Board engineers restored some power to the leisure complex this afternoon … but the effects of the weekend 's floods are likely to be felt for week 's to come .
25 In central Africa influential movements such as Jehovah 's Witnesses were attractive to those who sought to set themselves apart and to adopt a puritan lifestyle .
26 But that was not all : Mr Browning said Mr Landor 's rooms were all to be painted , carpeted and furnished and that he thought her own quarters might at least be painted if she contributed only a little to the cost .
27 Simmons 's rooms were next to the staircase , not , as she had hoped , overlooking the quadrangle , but facing away from the main college building .
28 Though the city 's finances were supposed to be independent , Polish control of the railways meant that any citizen wishing to use the trains had to change Danzig currency into Polish currency before buying a ticket .
29 But if the best way to do this is by romping around a campfire and sniffing each other 's bottoms is open to question .
30 All Paul 's friends are opposed to the Poll Tax , so he ca n't talk to them about it .
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