Example sentences of "['s] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Barr 's European equivalents flourished in the 1950s rather than the 1930s — Jean Cassou at the Musée d'Art Moderne in Paris , Wilhelm Sandberg at the Stedlijk in Amsterdam , Pontus Hulten at the Modern Museum in Stockholm and then at the Pompidou Centre in Paris .
2 A hint of what was soon to befall Romania 's historic buildings came in 1976 when Ceauşescu withdrew his country from the UNESCO agreement on the preservation of the architectural heritage .
3 Equally important are economies of scope : big firms can use the materials and processes employed to make one product in the manufacture of related goods , as Japan 's consumer-electronics companies did in the 1970s , using the same factories that had previously churned out cheap transistor radios to manufacture televisions and videos .
4 The cure for unemployment and the nation 's economic ills lay in the exclusion of all imports which could otherwise be made in Britain .
5 Further bilateral and multilateral agreements were also envisaged to ensure that each country 's armed forces participated in joint anti-drug initiatives .
6 But the appearance of Giap 's armed guerrillas marching in more or less regular military formation seemed to confirm that , already , the Resistance had won .
7 An example was the recent revelation at congressional hearings that some of the EPA 's political appointees based in Washington directed the Chicago regional office in 1981 to delete incriminating references to the Dow Chemical Company in a report on dioxin contamination of Michigan waters .
8 Leaders of eight of Bolivia 's political parties agreed in early August on 10 proposals for constitutional , judicial and educational changes .
9 The combined effect of these provisions is that the question of whether or not a child has special educational needs depends not so much on the child 's specific needs considered in isolation , but rather on the appropriateness or otherwise of existing provision .
10 A ginger group , the Washington-based United Shareholders Association plans this month to start soliciting shareholder proxies for a motion that if approved would force IBM 's non-executive directors to call in a firm of investment bankers to advise on a plan to maximise shareholder value by spinning off or selling one or more units of the company .
11 This programme of research has already brought to light unnoticed phenomena of children 's different abilities to communicate in the classroom .
12 Agrippa 's candid eyes rounded in mock amazement .
13 Glancing up , startled , she met Rune 's clear eyes narrowed in speculation , wondering just how much he was able to discern beneath the camouflage she 'd thought she 'd assumed .
14 Carl N. Degler , using evidence from women of the urban middle class in America ( the class to which Acton 's work was directed ) , together with a survey of married women 's sexual attitudes begun in the 1890s by Dr C. D. Mosher , argues that it was more an ideology seeking to be established than the prevalent view or practice of even middle-class women .
15 Across the Mersey , Wirral 's civic heads congregated in Wallasey for the wreath-laying ceremony .
16 The origins of Gironella 's peculiar assemblages lie in his childhood .
17 If Charles had bothered to watch his wife 's stunning performance , he would have seen France 's top statesmen fawn in her presence .
18 Survival will be the name of the game on Sunday … when the country 's top triathletes arrive in Aylesbury to compete in the British Sprint Championships …
19 Twenty four of Amnesty 's Scottish groups gathered in Edinburgh University 's chaplaincy to celebrate the occasion .
20 Professor C. R. Munro 's principal interests lie in constitutional theory , law and politics , media law , criminal law and procedure and civil liberties , especially freedom of expression and freedom of religion .
21 Serb and Croat leaders of Bosnia-Hercegovina 's ethnic communities met in Graz ( Austria ) on May 6 to discuss partitioning Bosnia-Hercegovina between Croatia and Serbia .
22 For the impatient and cynical , they 've still got nice beat-pop choruses which a chimp could learn and sing but , if you let them , Tenderloin 's just-slightly-strange songs grow in your subconscious like lovable brain tumours .
23 The oldest book here is Kennett 's Roman Antiquities published in 1699 and still in perfectly sound condition , though its plates have been removed by a ‘ breaker ’ — someone who removes all the maps and plates from a book , sells the plates , coloured and framed , to interior designers and other such people , and then throws the book away .
24 Earlier this year America 's loss-making airlines tried in vain to block a similar arrangement between British Airways and USAir , after the British airline took a 24.6% stake in the American carrier .
25 Stiff with disbelief , the boy 's dark eyes stood in their hollows .
26 Lucenzo 's dark eyes flickered in warning but Meredith was determined not to be intimidated .
27 Danjit 's Mars-tanned features smoothed in a sensual grimace of pleasure .
28 The fact that Cavtat was later known as Ragusavecchia ( Old Ragusa ) supports the view that some of the town 's early inhabitants originated in Cavtat .
29 The £7.5m 100-bedroom project , designed by Kent-based architects Ratcliffe Stott Associates , will be one of Ghana 's premier hotels located in a prime seafront position in the capital , Accra .
30 After some initial cautious optimism over Christie 's and Sotheby 's annual figures released in June , more recent results have indicated the grave difficulties the major houses are still facing .
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