Example sentences of "['s] [adj] [noun] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 In 1894 Gertrude Tuckwell ( Secretary and later President of the Women 's Trade Union League ) advocated ‘ the gradual extension of labour protection to the point where mothers will be prohibited from working until their children have reached an age at which they can care for themselves ’ , and the Women 's Labour League agreed that mothers with children under five should not be employed .
2 Meetings between the Queen 's private secretary , the cabinet secretary and the prime minister 's private secretary concluded that it was unlikely the party leaders would be unable to come to an agreement among themselves .
3 The receiver for Robert Maxwell 's private estate says that because fraud was rife throughout the Maxwell empire , there 's no reason why Oxford United should have escaped …
4 The angry look on the judge 's sallow face showed that either his attendance in court that morning or Cranston 's arrival had put him in an ill humour .
5 And Mr Bush 's economic advisers fear that any extra regulation could further damage an already weak economy .
6 A recent survey of the plight of peasants by China 's Economic Daily showed that taxes and fees consumed less than a quarter of their average incomes , compared with the 35-40% Mrs Fu claims .
7 The underlying causes of Africa 's economic weakness imply that the current pattern of structural adjustment lending will also not break the cycle of dependency on aid .
8 For example , Marx 's economic theory insists that behind the surface phenomenon of wildly fluctuating market prices for goods and services there lies an underlying and controlling structure of values , which are determined not by the supply and demand forces which obsess ‘ bourgeois ’ economists , but by the laws of the labour theory of value .
9 But Gloucester prison 's assistant Governor says that 's nonsense .
10 ‘ The all-or-nothing flavour to Diana 's emotional life suggests that if she were seriously unhappy in her marriage she would have the courage and determination to end it … as far as the astrology is concerned we would be looking towards the early 1990s . ’
11 But Derrida 's subtle analyses show that logocentrism tends to manifest itself in extremely indirect ways .
12 I wonder how many of the younger of today 's professional chefs realise that the origins of their great rebellion of the late 19605 and early 19705 stem , at least in part , from the days of Dr de Pomiane and his protests against illogical and harmful eating habits .
13 Indeed , Wycliffe maintained that Gaunt regarded political instability as one of the greatest evils that could befall a state ; and Gaunt 's political career suggests that he believed that political stability was best ensured by the maintenance of the prerogatives of the monarchy .
14 ITN 's political match-summariser says that ‘ individually the polls are all over the place , but put them all together and you get a message you can trust ’ — not a science graduate , presumably .
15 Their own experience tends to make most of today 's British voters assume that government means government by a single party .
16 But , as a general principle , Northern Ireland 's social divisions ensure that police management prefer neighbourhood police to be on the street , as is their purpose , and in practice about three-quarters of the normal shift is taken up with beat duty , which is much higher than in Great Britain .
17 The reports prepared by the local authority 's social workers indicate that initially all the children made good progress with the foster mother and at one time their adoption by her was contemplated .
18 And at least Micky 's deaf-aid thing guarantees that he does actually say the lines you wrote . ’
19 The Vietnamese themselves do not accept Cam Ranh Bay as a Soviet ‘ base ’ , although in 1982 Vietnam 's Foreign Minister claimed that Vietnam was ‘ leaving the door open ’ to the possibility of Soviet bases on its territory if China continued to confront Vietnam .
20 The deposit of a variety of jade amulets for ensuring good fortune and warding off ill-luck among Fu Hao 's grave goods shows that jade had already begun to be directed to individual needs as early as the Shang dynasty , at least for one at the peak of the social system .
21 In a report presented to its 43rd annual meeting [ see above ] , the International Whaling Commission 's scientific committee warned that dolphins , porpoises and other members of the 66 species of small cetaceans are facing extinction in parts of the world , as a result of both deliberate hunting and accidental killing by fishermen , especially those using long drift nets .
22 Nevertheless , in the wake of last week 's one-point hike in interest rates , Friday 's Daily Mail commented that Mr Lawson had had little choice but to follow the West German increase .
23 The first part of Heisenberg 's concluding sentence shows that he felt that such a view fell short of attributing reality to elementary particles .
24 The City 's top gurus reckon that the new package will certainly set shares alight when the stock market opens this morning but there are doubts as to whether it will continue to keep share prices riding high .
25 Whatever the impact of the Gulf , America 's deteriorating economy suggests that the dollar could fall further in the short run .
26 The most complicated detailing can be formed on site and Sarnafil 's real flexibility means that it can be used where conventional products would fail or be totally impractical .
27 But although devastating historical judgements such as these can be found in abundance amidst the speculations of the ‘ law-and-order ’ movement , the urgency of Britain 's contemporary predicament insists that a much more abbreviated timescale is often used to describe the rapidity of the descent into lawlessness .
28 The Republicans lost their narrow majority in Congress at the 1954 mid-term elections ; but Eisenhower 's personal popularity ensured that they retained the White House in 1956 , when he defeated Adlai Stephenson by an even greater margin than in 1952 .
29 CHESHIRE 'S chief constable claims that planned new laws to cover travelling people are unworkable .
30 One of DEC 's official spokesmen allowed that they would probably send along representatives ready to support Unix SVR4 with its Network Application Support environment .
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