Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] it [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now that we are facing demands to keep the most detailed records of children 's progress it makes sense to involve children in some of this work .
2 Until Christ 's return it remains enemy territory .
3 So very early in a horse 's life it establishes eating habits , and the horse may be very reluctant to change these habits when it is mature .
4 Today we use the word ‘ meditation ’ quite differently : in Hilton 's time it meant study rather than a purely contemplative exercise .
5 Packed into numbered wooden crates , simply stencilled THE QUEEN 'S DOLLS ' HOUSE it left dirt and chaos in its wake , ‘ … oh , the mess … it 's awful , I must put it clean , ’ wrote its creator to his wife , as he surveyed the wreckage of his Adam drawing room , ‘ but it will take a long time ! ’
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