Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] because it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There had once been a row at Goodwood when the scrutineers rejected Colin 's car because it did n't have a fireproof bulkhead .
2 Contamination of water which is noticeable raises the field officer 's anxiety because it indicates to the untutored that all is not well .
3 I shall not deal with the second part of the hon. Gentleman 's question because it raises difficult issues which will no doubt be the subject of discussion later .
4 This is what we should be working towards when work is being shared : creating a desire to see other people 's work because it matters within the drama ; because everybody 's work affects everybody else 's in some way .
5 Duran reckons that the Institute adds value to Microsoft 's business because it receives its products first and understands its philosophy and strategy best .
6 There was something I did n't tell you at your father 's funeral because it seemed the wrong time , but two days after he died , I received a letter from him .
7 He had slipped up in using Tweed 's name because it had sounded as though he 'd been one of the casualties .
8 It can be a woman 's pride because it reflects her purity and sensitiveness .
9 For one crazy , idiotic moment , Leith thought Naylor might have disposed of Sebastian 's deerstalker because it caused him some small degree of jealousy to see another man 's hat in her home .
10 Control of spending was crucial to the government 's strategy because it wanted to cut governmental borrowing and taxes .
11 I am grateful for my right hon. Friend 's statement because it demonstrates the Government 's commitment to a better equipped fleet for the future , even though the fleet manpower is contracting , and because jobs will be provided in the Portsmouth travel-to-work area .
12 Sociologists are often attracted by Weber 's account because it gives an explanation for the distinct differences in life-chances between different strata in contemporary capitalism .
13 Many parents and would-be parents watching the play would understand the mother 's position because it reflected the consensus of public opinion .
14 But it was the table in the centre of the room that aroused Vi 's curiosity because it belonged , she 'd have sworn , on the landing outside .
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