Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] was [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Nelson 's experience was of an organisation that had its regular human share of good soldiers , time-servers , wasters , whiners , climbers , saints , piss-heads and heroes ; and when the pressure was on , probably more of the latter than it was fair to expect .
2 Ohly 's proposal was for an assessment by a special task force before any further substantial commitments were made in Indo-China but , coming as it did , a month after the US had made its half-a-billion-dollar commitment , it was probably too late .
3 For Eliot , Frazer 's work was of an importance paralleling the psychology of ‘ the complimentary [ sic ] work of Freud — throwing its light on the obscurities of the soul from a different angle ’ .
4 Durham Ambulance Service chiefs have said the single ambulance on duty at the town 's station was on an emergency call in Newton Aycliffe at the time .
5 But she stressed that the programme 's development was at an extremely early stage , and a decision to go ahead with its production had still to be made .
6 Ilsa 's chair was at an angle as if she had left in a hurry .
7 Mr Sedgemore 's complaint was about an an article by Robert Kilroy-Silk on the Salman Rushdie affair .
8 In contrast to Arrese 's proposals , which left the form of the state and the succession issue very vague , Carrero 's idea was for an authoritarian monarchy based on " the principles which inform the National Movement " , of which the " fundamental elements " would be " the Crown , the Council of the Realm , the National Council of the Movement , the Cortes and the government " .
9 Spielberg 's film was about an American adven-turer who visits Bombay and falls in love with a movie star .
10 In fact Pakistan 's triumph was like an Eid , the religious festival which Muslims celebrate with great fervour at the conclusion of Ramadan .
11 The officers ' overcoat was of an Ulster pattern in dark blue cloth , with a deep collar , and two side pockets just below the hips .
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