Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] and [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 The skimming process removes vitamin A from cow 's milk and reduces the calorie content .
2 It may reach the sixth magnitude by December 10 and the fourth on about December 20 when it moves inside Mercury 's orbit and passes the star Zeta Ophiuchi .
3 It may reach the sixth magnitude by December 10 and the fourth on about December 20 when it moves inside Mercury 's orbit and passes the star Zeta Ophiuchi .
4 Only myth provides direction for man 's imaginative powers ; it is myth that matures the child 's mind and helps the adult to interpret his mature experience , and myth that sanctifies the state .
5 Distressed by the cold it eventually leaves its mother 's side and finds the warmth and comfort of the dry stable .
6 It can be that magic moment in such dances as the Rose Adage in The Sleeping Beauty when Aurora triumphantly raises her hand from the fourth Prince 's grasp and holds the final attitude for several seconds revealing her complete command over the forces of gravity .
7 The theme of ‘ Creation ’ is everywhere in Coleridge 's poetry and reflects the poet 's ‘ abstruser musings ’ ; the spur to the theme is the poet 's interest in the interface between the conscious and the subconscious minds of the human brain , and it is the product of these two elements meeting together that results in ‘ Creation ’ .
8 The first is taken from Mark 's Gospel and involves the cure of a single leper ; the second is from his own source and is a story about ten lepers. –any scholars believe that the story of the ten lepers is a development of the miracle of the one leper .
9 It is this kind of darkness which is at the heart of the Cloud-author 's work and constitutes the cloud of unknowing .
10 Positive parenting is an approach to child management that emphasizes the good qualities of the child 's behaviour and helps the parent to become aware of them .
11 ‘ I am delighted he has agreed to the council 's request and sees the need for urgency , ’ he said .
12 NI charts the Right 's revolution and points the way to resistance .
13 To get things moving , wealthy collector Walter Donovan ( Julian Glover ) — who believes drinking from the cup will make him immortal — kidnaps Indie 's father and lures the son to Venice where the search for a vital clue necessitates a flesh-crawling wade through flooded , rat-infested catacombs .
14 This lifts the team 's morale and encourages the next in line .
15 Grant climbs up the aluminium ladder into the crow 's nest and surveys the horizon with binoculars .
16 In contrast , Theory Y focuses upon the top three tiers of Maslow 's hierarchy and implies the integration of individual goals with those of the organisation .
17 ( He snatches a dagger from the PLAYER 's belt and holds the point at the PLAYER 's throat : the PLAYER backs and GUIL advances , speaking more quietly . )
18 Here , Mr Brooks-Baker dissects the Prime Minister 's statement and reveals the truth behind it : It is announced from Buckingham Palace that , with regret , the Prince and Princess of Wales have decided to separate .
19 This gives details of the retailer 's account and contains the following information :
20 Ironically , this insistence on ‘ greatness ’ tends to homogenise the artist 's production and denies the very multiplicity of reception which Bachert 's research establishes .
21 Bob Busby stretches out a hand in front of Philip 's face and pulls the chain .
22 ( Interestingly , in the car industry , although Ford has never belonged to an association in Britain nevertheless in Germany it is an active member of the metalworking employers ' association and follows the terms of its negotiated agreements . )
23 The bird simply sits on top of an ants ' nest and allows the ants to climb all over it , squirting their defensive fluids as they do so .
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