Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [be] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anthony admits , that the inspectorate 's judgement is on trial .
2 But just in case anyone was tempted his Bishop 's crook was on hand to hook em out .
3 Buckingham 's blood is on Sir John 's hands , and Mandeville and Southgate frighten me .
4 Paul 's words and Paul 's example present us with a picture of a God who is the source of peace , and of a man who had learnt that God 's peace was on tap at all times .
5 • If your child 's clothing is on fire , stop him running about to prevent fanning the flames .
6 Running parallel to his one-man exhibition at Ingrid Raab 's Berlin gallery ( until 7 November ) , more of Rainer Fetting 's work is on show at the gallery 's London branch ( from 13 October until 14 November ) .
7 Ernst Caramelle 's work is on show at Crousel-Robelin-Bama until 20 October , whilst Paul Rebeyrolle is exhibiting at two galleries , Lelong and Templon , until 17 October .
8 Nemuchin 's work is on display alongside that of another Russian artist , Vladimir Yankilevsky , with boxes symbolising the isolation of the conformists , and Andrei Lekarski , the Bulgarian painter and sculptor who superimposes statues and forms from Classical antiquity onto surprising three-dimensional collages .
9 Three years ago , 90% of BBC 's business was on MS-DOS platforms , 10% on Unix : that 's all changed now and the company says MS-DOS now accounts for just 20% of its revenues .
10 " My sister 's place is on gravel soil .
11 This week 's match is on Walton on the Naze pier , fishing from 9.30am to 2.30pm .
12 The Gideon 's Bible was on top of the wardrobe .
13 Corporal Bromby 's team are on task north of the Antelope Road changing a B81 — they should be finished in about three hours . ’
14 Cricket now , and the England women 's team is on tour in the build-up to hosting next year 's World Cup .
15 Whether or not depictions of violence could form an essential part of such a discourse was not considered , since the Court 's focus was on sex , the ‘ crass commercial exploitation ’ of which can debase and distort a ‘ key relationship of human existence , central to family life , community welfare , and the development of human personality ’ .
16 ‘ He could have done it beforehand when we met for drinks and everyone 's attention was on Mrs Figgis-Hewett , ’ said Angelina , albeit with a feeling of disloyalty to a fellow female .
17 While everyone 's attention was on Samuel Pipkin who showed ominous signs of speaking , he quickly murmured : ‘ It 's almond soup , sire .
18 Erm , thingy 's chimney 's on fire they said .
19 The women 's Olympic marathon takes place on July 31 , while the men 's race is on August 9 ; both events are being staged at 6.30pm .
20 The rear near-side wheel 's brake-lining was on fire .
21 The first production versions of Audi 's Cabriolet were on show , although it does n't go on sale until April/May in Germany and the UK launch has been delayed until summer 1992 , when it 's expected to be priced at about £25,000 .
22 Her father 's ship was on convoy duty in the North Sea , and her mother had gone to live in Glasgow so she could see him when he came into port .
23 Tomorrow 's World is on BBC 1 tonight at 7.30 .
24 ah , Paul 's birthday is on April fools ' day
25 A plea for Tejero 's release was on Feb. 20 , 1991 , rejected by the authorities on the grounds that he had not completed three quarters of his sentence .
26 The first entry since Elsie 's disappearance was on February the eleventh the next year , 1935 .
27 But i if while we 've got them we will still be there we will still be called to put them out and one of these days we 'll be dealing with bonfires when somebody 's house is on fire and we need to be there instead .
28 Clothes from top designers were offered for sale at £10 or 15 and High Street stores ' clothing was on offer at £5 .
29 A policeman 's wage with ten years ' service was on £4. 10&shilling plus his lodging allowance — you were well on the way to the top of the money league .
30 THE next Waverley Singers ' concert is on Saturday , April 4th at 7.30 p.m. at St. Andrew 's Garrison Church of Scotland , Queens Avenue , Aldershot .
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