Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [be] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 However , yesterday 's award is the first money the peer has received .
2 Monday 's award was the second of its kind for Miss Paterson .
3 Ballantyne 's description is the first one written , so I will look at it first .
4 Gencor 's decision is the first of its kind by a big South African firm .
5 ‘ But my grandfather 's grave was the last on this hill .
6 Last year 's outbreak was the first of its kind in the country .
7 Held 2–8 March , the fair enjoyed twice as much space in its new premises , the Grand Palais , as it had done in its former venue , the basement of the Hotel George V. Still an all-French affair despite the eagerness of foreign galleries to get in , this year 's Salon was the first to include nine contemporary dealers , including Gerald Piltzer who made a last minute decision to join in .
8 Puddephat 's murder was the last item in the bulletin .
9 Kopyion 's car was the third car .
10 The new Oxford Advanced Learner 's Dictionary is the fourth edition of the very first advanced learner 's dictionary of English , A.S .
11 The boy 's fate was the last and the least reverberation of that disastrous thunder , but not the least pitiful .
12 YESTERDAY 'S crash was the first in which A300 Airbus passengers were killed or injured , according to the best-selling plane 's makers .
13 Until now the the F111 has had a good safety record.July 's crash was the first in peace time .
14 Gerard 's home was the first one the killers came to as they left the Tiger 's Bay Loyalist stronghold .
15 Its declarations required Catholic scholars to believe , for example , that Moses had written the Pentateuch , and that St Matthew 's Gospel was the first Gospel to be composed .
16 Domitian 's decree was the first recorded attempt to reduce a European winelake .
17 In recognition of the Baptist Missionary Society 's bi-centenary celebrations , this month 's article is the first of two on the life and work of Dr William Carey whose vision inspired the creation of the BMS and other missionary societies .
18 An object 's appearance is the first way we recognise where it comes from : a Volkswagen ‘ Beetle ’ is an instantly recognisable shape even if the VW badge has fallen off the car ; likewise we recognise a Rolls Royce .
19 Mildred 's room was the last of all .
20 Dr Jaffery 's room was the last on the corridor .
21 Mr Nightingale 's room was the third along to the right .
22 Many MPs believe yesterday 's announcement is the first stage in the process towards Prince Charles renouncing his chances of the throne .
23 Bangor 's share is the second highest award and follows £830,000 given to University College , Cardiff .
24 This particular issue of Women 's Art is the last to be produced under the editorship of Genevieve Fox and we would like to thank her for her contribution to the magazine over the last year .
25 His response to this development in O'Keeffe 's art was the first positive assessment of the result of the effort she had made to have her intentions as an artist redefined .
26 Saturday 's rally was the first real indication of how much support the workers have attracted .
27 S. Mark 's Cathedral is the third church on the site .
28 The child 's welfare was the first consideration and then other tests had to be applied .
29 ‘ The child 's welfare was the last thing on their minds , ’ said a police spokesman .
30 ‘ But an in-depth analysis of the man 's character is the last thing I want , and damned tasteless in the circumstances . ’
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