Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [be] [prep] fact " in BNC.

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1 Viewed by many as a vain upstart , de Gaulle 's stand was in fact inspired not by ambition but by a deeply-held belief in the grandeur of France .
2 However , the licensee 's liability is in fact limited to a period of 10 years .
3 Looked at this way , the question of how best to safeguard Venice 's heritage is in fact an ethical question .
4 Eardwulf 's adultery was in fact potentially serious because he became estranged from Eanbald ( II ) , archbishop of York , who succeeded his namesake in 796 .
5 Meanwhile , Nigel Colborn 's The Good Old-Fashioned Gardener ( Letts , April , £17.95 , 1 85238 376 3 ) is a more historically minded book , reminding us how much of the pre-20th-century gardener 's practice was in fact organic .
6 Hartley 's philosophy was in fact an early form of the twentieth-century scheme of mental association known as Behaviourism ( Pavlov 's dogs were taught to salivate at the sound of an electric bell ) , and if writing today he would presumably have compared the brain to a computer .
7 Where a dominant influence exists over a public company , the dominant undertaking will be liable for any damage suffered by the public company and , more radically , for any debts incurred by the public company as a result of its acting at the direction of the dominant undertaking , although this will seemingly not be the case if the dominant undertaking 's influence is in fact exercised in the best interests of the public company .
8 Mrs Gray 's home was in fact requisitioned by the Army .
9 So that when we subsequently read 70 : ‘ That thou art blam 'd shall not be thy defect , /For slander 's mark was ever yet the fair ’ , with its conclusion that the suspicion of the Friend 's evil is in fact desirable since otherwise the whole world would be in love with him , then we can supply our own ironic commentary .
10 But more recently a lucky accident uncovered the fact that Friedmann 's assumption is in fact a remarkably accurate description of our universe .
11 Yet the Grand Prince 's position was in fact more complex than Herberstein 's influential picture suggests .
12 The plaintiff 's share of the responsibility for the damage he had suffered in the accident arose out of the finding that either he ought to have known that the defendant 's ability to drive was impaired or , more likely , that he had drunk so much himself that he was unable to tell that the defendant 's ability was in fact impaired .
13 The Christianity that coalesced and took shape in Constantine 's time was in fact a hybrid , containing significant skeins of thought derived from Mithraism and from the sun cult .
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