Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [modal v] to be " in BNC.

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1 The standard of the bishop of Tours 's Latin used to be seen as ruling out this possibility .
2 Yes , well up here in Scotland er where I live erm the maincrop variety Golden Wonder tends to certainly need a par boiling and a par boiling only er when cooking so it needs about what five to six minutes or something like that but erm any more and the tatties go to mash and er that 's why I think a lot of the Golden Wonders er in Scotland are cooked in their skins but erm if I was to go for a variety that er I enjoy would be one called Pentland Ivory , it 's a , a nice flowery spud er and you get quite a plentiful supply of them too so it 's quite a good variety but you know the old Kerr 's Pink used to be called I think Henry 's Seedling , I remember rightly and then it changed its name to Kerr 's Pink because Kerr was a seedsman up in who really introduced it and er that was just after the first world war and that 's a good one , that 's a very good one and it 's got that waxy skin as well you see so it might be quite useful .
3 For most of the past two years , after the first cracks in the ice were heard , Eastern Europe 's future used to be seen something like this .
4 Or the place where the Turk 's Head used to be .
5 I slipped an old Eurythmics tape into the cassette deck I have installed where Armstrong 's meter used to be and adjusted the speakers so the full effect came in the front rather than the back .
6 For all the talk of Welsh rebirth , Scotland 's performance ought to be good enough to set up the Triple Crown chance at Twickenham next month .
7 For the first time in her life she faced the truth of her past , clear-eyed as her formidable father 's daughter ought to be , devoid of pride and love of self , and inspected what had brought her to this pass .
8 It was a category , a catch-phrase , a summation ; and it also provided a mild but pleasing joke because it used ‘ government ’ to refer to its absence , and because the arabi ( ‘ people 's government ’ ) of tradition contrasted with the sha bi ( ‘ people 's government ’ ) of the present regime , seen in this context to be the opposite of what real people 's government ought to be .
9 Easily Accessible : Bridport is an interesting Saxon town , historically famous for its rope-making — a hangman 's noose used to be known as a Bridport dagger .
10 The Employment Appeal Tribunal has said that the weight to be given to an employee 's conduct ought to be decided ‘ in a broad , common sense manner ’ .
11 Mr Mubarak 's cautiousness used to be welcomed as an antidote to the histrionics of Nasser and Sadat .
12 2.41 He went on to say that it should not be assumed that the wife 's dependency ought to be calculated on the footing that it would have ceased when her husband ceased earning before he reached 65 .
13 King 's Jester used to be a very spooky horse and would shy at the same jump , stacked in the corner of the school , every single day and if anything was moved to a different position , he would behave as if it were about to leap out and get him .
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