Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [conj] it came " in BNC.

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1 Above and top : Polypterus ornatipinnis — even a large pair of these were not beyond Derek 's ingenuity when it came to bringing them home from the USA .
2 The crosses erected at stages on the route of St Louis 's body as it came from Tunis to Paris for burial at St Denis were ‘ freely imitated in the Eleanor crosses of England ’ .
3 I was , I explained , a bit of a big girl 's blouse when it came to crumbling ledges , sheer drops , being underwater for unreasonable lengths of time and squeezing into jam jar sized spaces .
4 It was rather disappointing to grow up and find out that the sun did n't give a monkey 's testicle whether it came out or not , but was in fact a non-sentient mass of gases radiating heat and light to earth , except in Scotland .
5 And let us be quite clear that the fact that any particular system does n't go on for ever does n't mean it was n't God 's will when it came in .
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